Originally posted by LordofADownThanks
It's astonishing that you can calculate so deeply in a 3 minute game, bravo on the move.
It's a little calculation and a lot intuition.
I have actually been in a kind of rut at 3 0 lately.
I got up to 2070 or so a few weeks ago and then began to fall apart.
I started hanging my queen and all sorts of nasties (mainly from playing too many hours in a row).
The funny thing is that one minute chess is my best game.
I am only 30 points shy of 2200 !!!
I don't know whether anyone will find this game interesting or not.
It is against my friends phone with Chess Genius.
We had it set on a weak level (1 Second A Move).
We used a real chess set. (He made the moves like he was playing white.)
I didn't spend all that much time on it. In the endgame, I played especially (too) fast.
I mentioned during the game that I made a serious error in the opening. I should never have allowed the inactive bishop to get to c2 and trade it off for my active f5 knight.
11. ... b5 (11. ... a5) and 12. ... a5 followed by 13. ... a4 should have stopped this maneuver.
My 17. ... gxf5 was inspired by a Korch blog !!! I thought 17. ... exf5 woud be terrible. The position is just begging for e6 by white. I don't know if 18.e6 works, but it is a constant pain. I know this isn't exactly the same, but in Korch's Lasker vs Nimzowitsch blog he mentions Nimzowitsch sacking the h pawn for time and play rather than concrete compensation. Thanks Korch. 🙂
20.Rd2 was puzzling. I guess it was worried about me playing Qc2.
23. ... Rg8 just looked bad to me. I thought white could just march the h pawn and cause me severe pain.
Look at how bad my position is after 23. ... Rh7. My rook is completely out of play, and my king is stuck in the center.
I am still in shock that I was able to draw this against a computer.
Luckily, my counterplay came just in the nick of time.
28. ... Ra3 was better.
33. ... Qa6 has a cute point. I will show it in a fen after I post this.
44.b4 was a classic computer move. 🙂
45. ... e5 46.b5 ! (The point of b4)
The remainder of the ending is me playing terribly but luckily reaching a drawn ending.
I did blitz the endgame though. 🙂
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics35. ... Qa1+!
Here black wins !!!
34. ... Rxh5 !! 35.Rxh5 ?? And Black Mates !!!
A fun variation that highlights the slightest difference in a single move (Qa5/Qa6).
Someone post the mate. 🙂
If 36. Kc2, then 36. ... Qa2+ 37. Kc1 (37. Kd1 or Kd3, Qd2# ) Qd2+ 38. Kb1 Ba3 and mates next move unless white sacs the queen, which staves off mate for a couple of moves, but that's it
If 36. Ke2, then 36. ... Qe1+ Kd3 37. Qd2#
One question though: What's wrong with 35. Qxh5 ?
edit: NM, 35. Qxh5 leads to Qe3+ and forced mate
Originally posted by sh76I know you meant 35.Qxh5 Qd3+
35. ... Qa1+!
If 36. Kc2, then 36. ... Qa2+ 37. Kc1 (37. Kd1 or Kd3, Qd2# ) Qd2+ 38. Kb1 Ba3 and mates next move unless white sacs the queen, which staves off mate for a couple of moves, but that's it
If 36. Ke2, then 36. ... Qe1+ Kd3 37. Qd2#
One question though: What's wrong with 35. Qxh5 ?
edit: NM, 35. Qxh5 leads to Qe3+ and forced mate
Very Well Done !!!
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsVery nice move, especially in 3 min. However, I would not call that a queen sac, more of a rook or piece sac to me, you get the queen back by force in 2 moves, but you sac a piece for a longer period of time.
I just played two three minute games on FICS.
I played a really nice queen sac in this one.
[fen]3q1rk1/p2PRpbp/1p4p1/2p5/P1N3P1/5Q2/1Pn2P1P/4R1K1 [/fen]
I played 25.Qxf7+ !!!
The best part is it works !!!
Still, very nice game!