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Interesting Tactical Variation

Interesting Tactical Variation

Only Chess

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This week I received a PM with a very interesting tactical variation in it.
Here I will examine the game and some of the wild tactics.
This game demonstrates a few things:
1.The originality of not automatically recapturing a piece
2. Trouble that stems from greedily trying to hold on to material
3. Attacking possibilities in a wide open position
4. Trading material for a lasting iniative (similar to gambit play)

Black is a piece up but busted after 12.Qh5+.
12. ... g6 13.Qe5+ wins at least the rook in the corner.
12. ... Ke7 13.Rxe4+ gives white a winning attack.
12. ... Kd7 13.d5 (at the very least wins the piece back with check)

In the main variation with Kd7, black seems to hold a pawn, but white still gets enough attacking chances.

Here is a line (start at move 12):

This last pgn just demonstrates white's chances in the positions that follow Kd7.

All in all, Re1 is a very interesting variation, and the Nxe4 move just seems to light a fuse of fireworks that are extremely tactical and entertaining (even it some of it is really complicated).

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hi paul,

the position which caught my eye when flicking through this was at white's 20th when b3 was played, I immediately thought the move should be b4 followed up by c4 if need be but yes an interesting line

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