Originally posted by XXXchessguyXXXThat program is very easy to beat. I played 2 times and won both. In the second game I forked its Queen and one Rook and the program deided to give the Queen instead of the Rook.
Hi guys, when i started playing chess I found an easy chess game on the internet
however I have found that it's not easy at all!
what do you think and can you beat it?
Originally posted by XXXchessguyXXXPlay some games here and read a few advices about how to play better and maybe you'll soon find it easy to beat
Hi guys, when i started playing chess I found an easy chess game on the internet
however I have found that it's not easy at all!
what do you think and can you beat it?
Just played it - hammered it.
me white:
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qe5+ etc etc.
Just played with it's Queen till I picked it up with a Knight fork.
( sounds like it cannot recognise them).
Beautiful graphics though. Really nice to play against.
(I'm going nick those graphics for my web site).
OK then...
******** RHP COMPETITION **********
See who can mate it the quickest.
See who can mate it in the most Brillaint style.
Deadline 6pm (GMT) Saturday the 26th July 2008.
Prizes. We will see Russ and ask if the winners can get 100
rating points -why not, should be easy to do.
I'll post competetion on a new thread to guide people here.
About time we had some fun on this site.
Originally posted by XXXchessguyXXXVery weak, not even fun. 13 moves, I threatened mate in one and it did no preventative move.
Hi guys, when i started playing chess I found an easy chess game on the internet
however I have found that it's not easy at all!
what do you think and can you beat it?
Originally posted by Eladari agree!
I had problems with it because the pieces were totally foreign to me. I blundered because I couldn't tell a knight from a bishop! Had a won game until then. Plus the thing wouldn't let me castle!!
I think that was the poorest excuse for a chess program I think I've ever seen.
I also destroyed it without thinking more than 2 seconds on any move. It played the ridiculous 1. e4...e5 2. Nf3...f6? Then after 3. Nxe5... fxe5 4. Qh5+...g6 5. Qxe5 it was all downhill from there.
It looks like any 1,000+ rated RHP player could probably beat it without thinking much.
Edit: LOL; I just played it again and it hung its queen for no reason at all.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Here's my submission, mate in 7[OLD]
******** RHP COMPETITION **********
See who can mate it the quickest.
See who can mate it in the most Brillaint style.
Deadline 6pm (GMT) Saturday the 26th July 2008.
Prizes. We will see Russ and ask if the winners can get 100
rating points -why not, should be easy to do.
I'll post competetion on a new thread to guide people here. bout time we had some fun on this site.
Played a few games against him, it's actually pretty fun as I can just sac my queen for pretty much nothing and still win.
Edit: Got a better one, mate in 4: