Have-I any rayson to play an opening as dangerous as the traxler ?
I don't know, but getting hit a fork on the move 5 sound pretty complicated, there is also the variation 5. d4 Nxd4 and 5.d4 d5, which both sound as dangerous as the variation 5... b4, 5 Fxf7+ and 5 Cxf7.
Of course I can see thing like 5 c5, Cc3 and f4.
Why should I play this attack, I have something like 1200 elo, I am a poor player and I am trying to improuve my playing style, grantly.
Originally posted by SophyWith only a 1200 rating, you shouldn't be too concerned with openings. If you want to improve, my best suggestion would be to study tactics at chess.emrald.net
Have-I any rayson to play an opening as dangerous as the traxler ?
I don't know, but getting hit a fork on the move 5 sound pretty complicated, there is also the variation 5. d4 Nxd4 and 5.d4 d5, which both sound as dangerous as the variation 5... b4, 5 Fxf7+ and 5 Cxf7.
Of course I can see thing like 5 c5, Cc3 and f4.
Why should I play this attack, I ...[text shortened]... ething like 1200 elo, I am a poor player and I am trying to improuve my playing style, grantly.
Also, you might want to consider spell checking your posts before you post them.
It's a very tactical variation. Playing/studying it (as well as many other variations of the Two Knights'😉 can improve your tactical ability.
It is also "fun" and entertaining.
That being said, there are many ways for white to kill the "fun".
5.Bxf7+ is the "refutation". It doesn't lead to a forced win or anything.
It does, however, take away most of black's tactics and make it very uncomfortable for black. (The black king ends up stuck in the center and can get into a lot of trouble if the center opens.)
Also 5.Nxf7 (the most fun for black) has a few lines that are far from clear who is better. There is even one variation that white can use to force black to take perpetual check.
I recommend it for tactical/fun chess. Once you reach a certain level, it will not be as "reliable" as other variations of the Two Knights.
Still, many strong GM's have tried it from time to time. For that reason, it can't be all bad.
Play it and have fun with it, until you reach 1800 (at least ... perhaps 2000). It should give you countless hours of fun/exciting chess if you like tactical hair raising variations.
Originally posted by KnightStalker47A. He asked about the opening variation.
With only a 1200 rating, you shouldn't be too concerned with openings. If you want to improve, my best suggestion would be to study tactics at chess.emrald.net
Also, you might want to consider spell checking your posts before you post them.
B. chess.emrald.net isn't the be all and end all of chess tactics.
In fact, I don't like it at all.
C. (And this is the whole reason that I am responding)
Is it really necessary to make remarks about the guy's spelling?
He was asking for help, not public ridicule.
Originally posted by KnightStalker47I have no quarrel with you.
Is it really necessary to make remarks about my post?
I was trying to help, not public ridicule.
I have no quarrel with you. 🙂
Just remember people see these posts.
A lot of people are afraid to ask questions because they are afraid of being made to look stupid.
I know if someone told me to check my spelling, when I was asking about chess, I wouldn't appreciate it.
Make players feel welcome.
I am sorry for the previous and this post if they offend you.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsOk I will keep that in mind, but the main reason I added the spelling remark is because I initially thought this thread was about delicious raisins (raysons sounds alot like raisins).
I have no quarrel with you.
I have no quarrel with you. 🙂
Just remember people see these posts.
A lot of people are afraid to ask questions because they are afraid of being made to look stupid.
I know if someone told me to check my spelling, when I was asking about chess, I wouldn't appreciate it.
Make players feel welcome.
I am sorry for the previous and this post if they offend you.
Originally posted by SophyYes, there are many sacrifices.
It isn,t just a pawn sometimes, from times to times, I would need to sacrifice even a rook or a queen, and in the Nx f7 variation, tit is a bishop.
In the perpetual check that I mentioned, I think black is down to just a queen checking the king back and forth. It has been a while since I looked at it though, I could be mistaken.
For an amazing game with the variation (and GM Andy Soltis's annotations), look at this.
Thread 100504
I have a really soft spot for the Traxler, but I generally don't believe in Black's position after:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5 5. Bxf7+ Ke7 6. Bb3 Rf8 7. d3! d6 8. Be3! , when I've never found any way for Black to get enough. That said, I'd be happy to be proved wrong by someone. Here are some links to websites, NIC Yearbook articles, and other free published materials:
Some comments and corrections on the previous Yearbook articles:
Some corrections on the Yearbooks from another amateur:
And a Tim Harding Article:
There was also many more corrections in Yearbook 85 (I think), but I don't think that one is on the NIC website for free. Enjoy 😀
Originally posted by !~TONY~!Palkovi recommends 7...h6!? instead of 7...d6?!
I have a really soft spot for the Traxler, but I generally don't believe in Black's position after:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5 5. Bxf7+ Ke7 6. Bb3 Rf8 7. d3! d6 8. Be3! , when I've never found any way for Black to get enough. That said, I'd be happy to be proved wrong by someone. Here are some links to websites, NIC Yearbook articles, and ...[text shortened]... Yearbook 85 (I think), but I don't think that one is on the NIC website for free. Enjoy 😀
Chasing away the g5 knight right away is probably more accurate, because henceforth Black will no longer have the opportunity to do so, and by means of pawn sacrifices White will be able to open the position.
When Palkovi suggests
8.Nf3 d6 (8...Nxe4?! 9.Qe2 d5 10.d3 Nxf2 11.Rxf2 Bxf2+ 12.Qxf2+- Palkovi) 9.h3! White is well advised to prevent the pin of the f3 knight. (9.d3?! Bg4 10.Be3 Nh5! 11.Nbd2 Nf4 12.Bxc5?! dxc5 13.Qe1 Qd6 14.Qe3 Nd4 15c3? Nxg2! -+ Jacko-Novak 1994 Svetla)
(9.d4!? Palkovi)
And it goes on quite a bit, but I think you get the idea!