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Is this a nice attack?

Is this a nice attack?

Only Chess

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This was a 5/0 blitz game. As always there will be mistakes (my dead dark squared bishop is one of them), but I did like the rook maneuver and the declined rook sac.

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Nice. You could have forced the sac on him.

Do it all with check. More forcing.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Nice. You could have forced the sac on him.

Do it all with check. More forcing.

[FEN "4r1k1/1pp3p1/1b1p3p/p2P4/3PB1qr/P3BpP1/1PQ2P1K/4RR2 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]

. . . . r . k .
. p p . . . p .
. b . p . . . p
p . . P . . . .
. . . P B . q r
P . . . B p P .
. P Q . . P . K
. . . . R R . .
white to play
1. Kg1 Rh1+ 2. Kxh1 Qh3+ 3. Kg1 Qg2[/pgn]
Oh, totally missed that! But:

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Originally posted by adam warlock
This was a 5/0 blitz game. As always there will be mistakes (my dead dark squared bishop is one of them), but I did like the rook maneuver and the declined rook sac.

[pgn][Event "Live Chess"] [Site "Chess.com"] [Date "2010.06.22"] [White "him"] [Black "Me"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1362"] [BlackElo "1374"] [TimeControl "5|0"] [Termination "black won ...[text shortened]... Qg4 27.Kh2 Rf5 28.Rae1 Rh5 29.Bxe4 Rxh4+ 30.Kg1 Qh3 31.Bxf3 Qh2# 0-1[/pgn]
I didn't understand the Queen dancing [Black's Qf6-g6 is met with White's Qf3-g3-f3-d1?!]

And white just had to try 21. Be2. He can't let you just push ...f3; that's what made the game unsaveable.

Once you had that move in, pretty much any direct kingside attack will work. In view of that, I can't really say this is a nice attack [sorry]. White just stepped back and let you roll him.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
In view of that, I can't really say this is a nice attack [sorry]. White just stepped back and let you roll him.
No problem since I was looking for honest opinions.

And thanks for your analysis too.

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Oh, totally missed that! But:

[pgn][Event "Live Chess"] [Site "Chess.com"] [Date "2010.06.21"] [White "me"] [Black "him"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1390"] [BlackElo "1329"] [TimeControl "5|0"] [Termination "white won by resignation"] 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 Be7 6.e3 O-O 7.Bd3 h6 8.h4 hxg5 9.hxg5 Nh7 10.Bxh7+ Kh8 11.Bg6+ Kg8 12.Rh8+ Kxh8 13.Qh5+ 1-0[/pgn]
I liked it adam warlock,

This is called the "Fishing Pole", made popular by NM Brian Wall, whom I have personally met...very nice guy.
Anyways, It's called the Fishing Pole because you baited your opponent with your forbidden fruit, the bishop on a castled king , then you reeled him in by opening up your H file.

Most fishing bait is used with the knight, but the bishop served its purpose in this game. Well done!

Just search Youtube for fishing pole and no doubt you will find a Brian Wall video.

Here is one of my Fishing pole games...

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"Just search Youtube for fishing pole...."

I did just that.

All I saw were clips of guys up to their waist in water waving
wooden rods about....was one of them Bill Wall? 😉

OK wee joke.

The most common example of The Fishing Pole on here
comes from the Exchange Lopez.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 dxc6 5. O-O Bg4 6. h3 h5

In the 1400 section 8 times the bait has been taken with a 100% score for Black.

This game was one of them. Black misses an easy mate in two.
He was quite willing to sac the Bishop but chopping a Rook for a Knight. Oh No.

Then instead of grabbing the Queen he misses a mate in 3, then other
quick mates.

In the end he needed two Queens.

He threw away the fishing pole and went and got himself a Whaling Harpoon.

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LOL, good one, and nice game.

Here is one of Brian Wall's videos.
He caught a big fish on this one, Walter Browne

Btw, JRobi does a great job with Youtube chess videos as well.
Check him out...

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