Originally posted by anthiasI would have considered d5 ..N(somewhere), Be6 threatening the Black Queen and threatening mate on d7.
Today I played against a friend of mine OTB and reached this position
[fen]1r1k1r2/1bp1bBpn/p1np4/4p2p/Q2PP1q1/2P1BN2/P2N1PPP/1R2R1K1 w - - 0 19[/fen]
I am white. I am a pawn up, so I thought I was better here. So I played Qxc6. Is this move OK? I don't know if I made the right choice.
Edit: I lost the game because of a blunder...
Edit: Black could try a different line.
d5 ..Rxf7
dxc6 and the white bishop is pinned...
EDIT2: In fact you could also try
Rxb7 ..Rxb7
Qxc6 ..Rb8
Nxe5 dxe5
There are so many ways to win here it's silly! Nice position 😀
Originally posted by anthiasQxc6 is a very good move congratulations on playing it Qxc6 Bxc6 Rxb8+ Kd7 Rxf8 Bxf8(Or Nxf8) h3 and his queen is trapped a tactic I would have been proud to see in a OTB game.
Today I played against a friend of mine OTB and reached this position
[fen]1r1k1r2/1bp1bBpn/p1np4/4p2p/Q2PP1q1/2P1BN2/P2N1PPP/1R2R1K1 w - - 0 19[/fen]
I am white. I am a pawn up, so I thought I was better here. So I played Qxc6. Is this move OK? I don't know if I made the right choice.
Edit: I lost the game because of a blunder...
Originally posted by omulcusobolaniI often wonder what you great players see when you look at the board.
Qxc6 is a very good move congratulations on playing it Qxc6 Bxc6 Rxb8+ Kd7 Rxf8 Bxf8(Or Nxf8) h3 and his queen is trapped a tactic I would have been proud to see in a OTB game.
My otb rating is 1422. I wouldnt have seen that unless I wouldve played through the sequence as natural moves.
Did you sit down and work that out? Or can you look and just see it?
Originally posted by Wayne1324I'm by no means great, and no I probably wouldn't have seen it in a OTB game, the position is easily winning and I'd play d5 or some of the other moves that I don't need to calculate to realize it's winning, I'm quite lazy in winning positions however anthias asked if Qxc6 was good so I decided to look at it I saw that this would sac the queen for rook and knight, which might be good or it might not, in the given position without winning the queen with h6 it isn't very good because there are much easier ways to win so if there are no tactics after the forcing exchanges the queen sac isn't good.I found h6 by setting up the position and moving pieces around.
I often wonder what you great players see when you look at the board.
My otb rating is 1422. I wouldnt have seen that unless I wouldve played through the sequence as natural moves.
Did you sit down and work that out? Or can you look and just see it?
Originally posted by anthiasI'm not the best tactical calculations player in the world - my brain just isn't made for it, but I often sacrifice based on intuition and some calculations, especially if I see lots of complications are bound to arise.
Except I didn't see h3. I just played Qxc6 intuitively 🙁
You should be happy that you found that tactic, even if you didn't see the whole thing!
Originally posted by omulcusobolaniCool! Thanks for the answer!
I'm by no means great, and no I probably wouldn't have seen it in a OTB game, the position is easily winning and I'd play d5 or some of the other moves that I don't need to calculate to realize it's winning, I'm quite lazy in winning positions however anthias asked if Qxc6 was good so I decided to look at it I saw that this would sac the queen for roo ...[text shortened]... the queen sac isn't good.I found h6 by setting up the position and moving pieces around.