Against 1.d4.
What I'm looking for is something that can lead to a tactical game OTB, takes your opponent out of book early & which is based around a very likely response.
I know it's the Englund gambit, but this line leads to a huge total of 3 wins for white & 3 for black on
A couple of questions:
This is ok for black isn't it?
Are there any other highly likely responses for white here at any stage?
Originally posted by Squelchbelch1. Bb5 (threating to take the knight and then push the pawn to e5 where it will fork blacks pieces.)
[fen]r1bqk2r/ppp2ppp/2nb1n2/8/4P3/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 6[/fen]
1. ... Nxe4 (its a free pawn. Or else black can move one of his two minor pieces and accept doubled pawns if white chooses to.)
2. Qd5! (threating both of blacks knights. After this white will win that pawn back with a better pawn structure.)
Sample line (2....Nf6 3. BxNc6+ bxc6 4. Qxc6+)
( 2...Qe7 3. BxNc6+ bxc6 4. Qxc6+) Then from there i think its easy to see white has an advantage. It's an interesting position so if you want, send a set piece over and i'd be happy to back it up with some play.
Good blitz opening, but I wouldn't love it much in OTB, especially against stronger players. Looks like white can play pretty reasonably and get a good, pawn up game out of this. After years of trying to find systems to take people out of book, etc, ive realized that my best chances are in sharp, main lines. It's more work, but I think you will do better that way than trying to cobble together a dubious, "tricky" set of openings.
Originally posted by hammster21After 2.Qd5?? Bb4+ black wins
1. Bb5 (threating to take the knight and then push the pawn to e5 where it will fork blacks pieces.)
1. ... Nxe4 (its a free pawn. Or else black can move one of his two minor pieces and accept doubled pawns if white chooses to.)
2. Qd5! (threating both of blacks knights. After this white will win that pawn back with a better pawn structure.)
Sample ...[text shortened]... position so if you want, send a set piece over and i'd be happy to back it up with some play.
Originally posted by wargamer66I agree with wargamer66. Lets look at this position:
Good blitz opening, but I wouldn't love it much in OTB, especially against stronger players. Looks like white can play pretty reasonably and get a good, pawn up game out of this. After years of trying to find systems to take people out of book, etc, ive realized that my best chances are in sharp, main lines. It's more work, but I think you will do better that way than trying to cobble together a dubious, "tricky" set of openings.
After 6.Bd3! 0-0 7.0-0 black have no enough compensation for pawn.