What is wrong with me?
I am NOT a dummy, but what is wrong? I have book after book on tactics and on strategy.
But look at my record on rhp. Lost lost lost etc.On another site I got up to 1500 then fell back down to 1390.
I am discouraged and mad with myself.
Greenpawn, where are you???????
Originally posted by gritCheck all checks
What is wrong with me?
I am NOT a dummy, but what is wrong? I have book after book on tactics and on strategy.
But look at my record on rhp. Lost lost lost etc.On another site I got up to 1500 then fell back down to 1390.
I am discouraged and mad with myself.
Greenpawn, where are you???????
I just looked through 3 of your games at random and they all ended because you missed a mate in 1.
Material is important, don't give away your pieces
Gave away your knight: http://www.redhotpawn.com/gameanalysis/boardhistory.php?gameid=7725296
Gave away your queen: http://www.redhotpawn.com/gameanalysis/boardhistory.php?gameid=7725308
Gave away your queen by moving a piece you shouldn't have moved: http://www.redhotpawn.com/gameanalysis/boardhistory.php?gameid=7725308
Stop giving away your pieces and you'll start winning more games.
Originally posted by gritHi Grit, it's good to see that you're still enjoying this wonderful game of chess, but sorry to hear of your frustration.
What is wrong with me?
I am NOT a dummy, but what is wrong? I have book after book on tactics and on strategy.
But look at my record on rhp. Lost lost lost etc.On another site I got up to 1500 then fell back down to 1390.
I am discouraged and mad with myself.
Greenpawn, where are you???????
My two cents, for what it's worth:
Your biggest roadblock is that you're still making way too many one-move blunders. (Nothing new here, it's just what Greenpawn and others have noticed.)
Put all of your books off to the side. For now, leave them alone, don't even touch them. 🙂
Write the following down on a piece of paper: "Every move, time permitting, I will check all checks, captures, and threats of my move and my opponent's move in reply. I will do this on every move, without fail."
Now put that paper next to your PC monitor or your chessboard, whichever one you are using. Then just try that for a few weeks, see if it helps your game.
Keep the faith!
Originally posted by grittactics, tactics, tactics. every single day.
What is wrong with me?
I am NOT a dummy, but what is wrong? I have book after book on tactics and on strategy.
But look at my record on rhp. Lost lost lost etc.On another site I got up to 1500 then fell back down to 1390.
I am discouraged and mad with myself.
Greenpawn, where are you???????
reading about them is less than 1% of the job. less than a 100th of 1%. you need to drill them everyday. drill, drill and drill again.
aim for accuracy, not rating. every missed tactic would cost you the game. there's no margin for error.
Originally posted by gritI have a tactics book on my bedside table and I do at least 10 problems before I go to sleep every night. It doesn't seem like much but over time you should get to 1500 that way.
What is wrong with me?
I am NOT a dummy, but what is wrong? I have book after book on tactics and on strategy.
But look at my record on rhp. Lost lost lost etc.On another site I got up to 1500 then fell back down to 1390.
I am discouraged and mad with myself.
Greenpawn, where are you???????
Where am I?
I'm pulling what's left of my hair out.
I cannot discuss your games in progress.
I'm waitng for Game 7725301 to finish....
Please no more comments about it.
I've even invited Paulfromfics into Bates to see if I'm doing anything wrong.
You played better before you joined Bates Motel.
I've never seen anything like it. You play bad chess briliantly.🙂
Originally posted by greenpawn34This was very interesting.
I'm waitng for Game 7725301 to finish....
Please no more comments about it.
grit: Take that game and reverse the colours so that black is now white and white is now black.
I say this because I ended up in a very similar position once (as white). When I reversed the colours (and the sides of the board) I realized immediately what I had done wrong and never ever did it again.
Also: Would you challenge me to a game? 🙂 I havent played in over a month now as I am playing in the fast movers tournament, oh sweet irony!
Grit, is it possible that you are currently suffering from 'advice overload'? You might want to try playing a dozen or so games without looking for an opinion on how you played and just see how the games go. A weak comparison-but my bowling average dropped 60 points when people tried to tell me how to bowl. I got so self concious that I could actually throw the ball with any sort of grace.