Why does this keep going on?
If you have no interest in actually playing chess (or even talking chess), how do you justify using the site for advertising?
Sponsors pay money for this privelege.
The threads also get removed quite quickly.
I'm not really up for a big debate. I was just hoping the guys that keep doing this will read this thread first.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsThank you Russ Jr.
Why does this keep going on?
If you have no interest in actually playing chess (or even talking chess), how do you justify using the site for advertising?
Sponsors pay money for this privelege.
The threads also get removed quite quickly.
I'm not really up for a big debate. I was just hoping the guys that keep doing this will read this thread first.
Originally posted by greenpawn34You omitted "Sponsors pay money for this privelege."
"If you have no interest in actually playing chess (or even talking chess),
how do you justify using the site for advertising? "
When you log on as a non-sub you meet adverts from companies
that never joined the site (or even talk chess).
We should get rid of them. 😉
([b]Eat at Alice's Restaurant.)[/b]
And by the way ...
Walk right in it's around the back, just a half mile from the railroad track ... 🙂
Funny Song ... I always break up when they start shouting "I wanna kill" together.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsGot an example with the spammers links removed but the bulk of the post intact for us to see?
Why does this keep going on?
If you have no interest in actually playing chess (or even talking chess), how do you justify using the site for advertising?
Sponsors pay money for this privelege.
The threads also get removed quite quickly.
I'm not really up for a big debate. I was just hoping the guys that keep doing this will read this thread first.
If there's a crackdown, I think we should tackle greenpawn's blatant regular promotion of Sandy Bell's.
I was in Edinburgh 2 weeks ago and it was ruined as I was keeping half an eye out for it. When I finally found it, I had a look in to see if he was there for some blitz games. He wasn't. I ended up consoling myself by spending more money than I could justify in the STA travel agent next door.
So in a way, you owe me money greenpawn!
Hi Meadows,
You should have emailed me and I would popped along although
ATM I'm working weekends. 3pm to 3am. Just finished one that is why
this post is timed at 03.45 am.
Chess is practically barred from Bells due to the fights it causes. (true).
A fair proportion of the Bells team members are actually banned from Bells.
Also there has been a price hike so a lot of lads now drink elsewhere.
It's a pity but the best chess days in Bells when there were strong players
and chess in every in corner of the pub now seem gone.