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Just looking for opinions

Just looking for opinions

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Hello. I'm new to the site and I have just completed my first game so I was hoping if I posted it in PGN format maybe someone with a free moment could look over it and give me opinions/suggestions. I played as black during the game.

1. e4 c5
2. d4 e6
3. d5 d6
4. Bf1b5 Bc8d7
5. c4 Bd7xb5
6. cxb5 Qd8a5
7. Nb1c3 exd5
8. exd5 Ng8f6
9. Qd1e2 Bf8e7
10. Bc1d2 O-O
11. Qe2xe7 Rf8e8
12. Nc3e2 Qa5xb5
13. Qe7xd6 Nf6e4
14. Qd6f4 g5
15. Qf4f5 Qb5xb2
16. Ra1d1 f6
17. a4 Nb8a6
18. Ke1f1 Ne4xd2
19. Rd1xd2 Qb2a1
20. Ne2c1 Qa1xc1 0-1

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Game 2830482

Move 12 for you. 12...Qb6! and White's queen is trapped. Game would be over right there.

Second point. Be very careful about moving the pawns infront of your king.

Good job 🙂

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12 ... Qb6 never occurred to me! thank you. I've been over the game a few times now and it never came to me. I think I was just taking the pawn on b5 because that knight had moved and I could, you know.

Also thanks for the advice on the pawns in front of the king. I have played a lot of chess in my day and that's something I would generally never do but in this situation it really helped keep the pressure on.

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Originally posted by JDChess
12 ... Qb6 never occurred to me! thank you. I've been over the game a few times now and it never came to me. I think I was just taking the pawn on b5 because that knight had moved and I could, you know.

Also thanks for the advice on the pawns in front of the king. I have played a lot of chess in my day and that's something I would generally never do but in this situation it really helped keep the pressure on.
No worries. Remember to take your time on key moves. I'm sure if you spent more time you would have found Qb6. I sometimes leave the game and come back to it the next day after a good days rest and find good moves.

Give it a try. With RHP, that is a luxury.

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