Originally posted by BigDoggProblemGood spot, which I missed (though I don't know if there was a better move for white than 29. Nf3. If pawn takes rook black wins the white queen after checking with bishop and then knight. If Queen takes rook, I'd say things look much better for black with the white King exposed and a queen and a knight for both rooks.
29...R8xf3 looks like it just might win. Haven't checked too carefully though.
This game had more than a few interesting moments.
The question about 6.Qa4. Yes it was wrong. 6.Nc3 though unpalatable was the move.
Black to play.
7...Bc6 is the usual way of exploiting such a pin. It defends the a8 Rook.
However I like 7...axb5 because you get two pieces for a
Rook and there is a wee unsettling in-betweener. in there.
7...axb5 8.Qxa8 Bb4+! then bxc4.
I howled with despair when here....
Black played 15...Nxf6.
Look at the d5 Knight it's beautiful. Leave it there take on f6 with the Bishop
or Rook. I'd let White take on g7 before making such a backward move.
This position is loaded. (White to move.)
White played 29.Nf3 when 29.Rxe4 (played a move later) looks much better.
29.Nf3 lead to here. Black to play.
Yes 29...R8xf3 looks like the shot. But You may have a wee tricky-dicky pin buster.
Brings the Black Queen right into the game instead of watching from the wings.
I'm threatening Qg6 with mate on g2. Qg6 protects and unpins the e4 Knight
and the White Queen on d3 is unprotected (I notice these things) so Queen
winning Knight checks are appearing. It's all lovely and juicy in blundeland.
White's best move maybe 30. Nh4 but then 30....Rxg2+ 31.Nxg2 Rf2.
Have a slight nagging doubt I'm missing something. Maybe a White Queen sac for
a bucket load of material. 30.Rxe4 meets 30...Rxg2+ and Qg6+. (maybe Rxg2+ earlier)
after that all kinds of messy positions pop up but Black always looks OK........
That means Black looks like he keeps his extra piece but suddenly that White
pawn on a5 may matter. It's getting hard to call after all the smoke has cleared.
But the 29...Qf7 - Qg6 a pin breaking tactical move. I just love 'em..
Good Game.
The question about 6.Qa4. Yes it was wrong. 6.Nc3 though unpalatable was the move.
Black to play.
7...Bc6 is the usual way of exploiting such a pin. It defends the a8 Rook.
However I like 7...axb5 because you get two pieces for a
Rook and there is a wee unsettling in-betweener. in there.
7...axb5 8.Qxa8 Bb4+! then bxc4.
I howled with despair when here....
Black played 15...Nxf6.
Look at the d5 Knight it's beautiful. Leave it there take on f6 with the Bishop
or Rook. I'd let White take on g7 before making such a backward move.
This position is loaded. (White to move.)
White played 29.Nf3 when 29.Rxe4 (played a move later) looks much better.
29.Nf3 lead to here. Black to play.
Yes 29...R8xf3 looks like the shot. But You may have a wee tricky-dicky pin buster.
Brings the Black Queen right into the game instead of watching from the wings.
I'm threatening Qg6 with mate on g2. Qg6 protects and unpins the e4 Knight
and the White Queen on d3 is unprotected (I notice these things) so Queen
winning Knight checks are appearing. It's all lovely and juicy in blundeland.
White's best move maybe 30. Nh4 but then 30....Rxg2+ 31.Nxg2 Rf2.
Have a slight nagging doubt I'm missing something. Maybe a White Queen sac for
a bucket load of material. 30.Rxe4 meets 30...Rxg2+ and Qg6+. (maybe Rxg2+ earlier)
after that all kinds of messy positions pop up but Black always looks OK........
That means Black looks like he keeps his extra piece but suddenly that White
pawn on a5 may matter. It's getting hard to call after all the smoke has cleared.
But the 29...Qf7 - Qg6 a pin breaking tactical move. I just love 'em..
Good Game.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Thank you so much greenpawn, and greetings from Blunderland 😉 . I feel even luckier to have won.This game had more than a few interesting moments.
The question about 6.Qa4. Yes it was wrong. 6.Nc3 though unpalatable was the move.
Black to play.
[fen]rn1qkbnr/2pb1ppp/p3p3/1N6/Q1BPP3/8/PP3PPP/R1B1K1NR b KQkq - 0 7[/fen]
7...Bc6 is the usual way of exploiting such a pin. It defends the a8 Rook.
However I like 7...axb5 because you ...[text shortened]... .
But the 29...Qf7 - Qg6 a pin breaking tactical move. I just love 'em..
Good Game.