Originally posted by Mephisto2kibitzer.
not true. A kibitzer watches the game but doesn't interfere. Only when is separate analysis rooms, comments can be exchanged.
Main Entry: ki·bitz·er
Variant(s): also kib·bitz·er /'ki-b&t-s&r, k&-'bit-/
Function: noun:
one who looks on and often offers unwanted advice or comment especially at a card game; broadly : one who offers opinions.
I think on-line sites for real-time games have a kibitz feature that allows the observers of a game to talk without disturbing the players. The messages do not go to the players of the game. But I also found this definition:
Kibitzer: someone who gives good advice to your opponent and bad advice to you. ( http://www.edcollins.com/chess/glossary.htm )