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Kid/ bayonet attack?

Kid/ bayonet attack?

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I've seen the bayonet attack in the kid mentioned here. What is it?
please, post the moves.

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The Bayonet Attack is a line in the Classical KID. Here you go:

1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 g6
3. Nc3 Bg7
4. e4 d6
5. Nf3 0-0
6. Be2 e5
7. 0-0 Nc6
8. d5 Ne7
9. b4!?

I think Black is playing 9..Nh5!? nowadays. I dunno.

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Here is a recent game I played against Nxyie in the Bayonet Attack.

Game 1306675

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
Here is a recent game I played against Nxyie in the Bayonet Attack.

Game 1306675
stfu, just kidding, well played xanthos. I think it was a fairly good game untill I kind of slacked off later.

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Originally posted by Nyxie
stfu, just kidding, well played xanthos. I think it was a fairly good game untill I kind of slacked off later.
I think it's a good illustration of the way the opening develops and the patterns involved. If you notice towards the end of the middlegame I stage a bit of a breakout on the d,c and b files. I think this led to the pressure later on which won me the game.

You have nothing to be ashamed of in that game. It was a very tough game for me and I hate to think what would have happened if you had realised that my constant moving was an attempt to make you rush and slowed down.

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Ok, thanks.

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
The Bayonet Attack is a line in the Classical KID. Here you go:

1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 g6
3. Nc3 Bg7
4. e4 d6
5. Nf3 0-0
6. Be2 e5
7. 0-0 Nc6
8. d5 Ne7
9. b4!?

I think Black is playing 9..Nh5!? nowadays. I dunno.
Odd line. Why doesn't White play 7. de5?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Odd line. Why doesn't White play 7. de5?
It could be played but the position becomes less sharp and more symmetrical. If you're thinking white wins a pawn, he does not because of ...Nxe4 after white's Nxe5

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Originally posted by Regicidal
It could be played but the position becomes less sharp and more symmetrical. If you're thinking white wins a pawn, he does not because of ...Nxe4 after white's Nxe5
Oh, thanks. The fianchetto Bishop/Knight stuff still confuses me.

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