Game 1651066...This game against rlbatez is a good example of the importance of having your king on the right square at the right time.
Originally posted by Bobla45Good example.
Game 1651066...This game against rlbatez is a good example of the importance of having your king on the right square at the right time.
In this position from your game, the correct plan draws for white.
42.exf6+ is a losing move.
Originally posted by WulebgrYes. I was happy to see him do this, I thouyght of it as a "freeing" move for my king which allowed it to centralise itself on the board
Good example.
In this position from your game, the correct plan draws for white.
[fen]8/1p4k1/4pp2/p3P2K/P3P3/1P6/8/8 w - - 0 42[/fen]
42.exf6+ is a losing move.