Here's a game against a 2300 player here at RHP.
I decided to throw everything at him apart from the kitchen sink!
I got smashed but there are some interesting if half-baked ideas.
1.d4 Ng8f6
2.c4 c5
3.d5 e5 {Czech Benoni}
4.Nb1c3 d6
5.e4 Bf8e7
6.Ng1f3 Nb8d7
7.Bf1d3 Nd7f8 {manoeuvring to hit f4 eventually I hope}
8.O-O h5 {ok my intentions are clear now!}
9.a3 h4 {freeing h5 for a knight}
10.h3 Nf6h5
11.b4 b6
12.Bd3c2 {I don't like this - i do not want to trade bishops ... I want to sac mine on h3} Nf8g6
13.Bc2a4 Bc8d7 {maybe Kf8 is more in keeping with my plan?}
14.Ba4c6 Qd8c8
15.Bc6xa8 Bd7xh3
16.Qd1a4 Ke8f8
17.Qa4xa7 Bh3xg2
18.Ba8b7 {this is what I had not planned for ... KxB and I mate him} Qc8d7
19.Qa7b8 {I played on for a while in vain}