Never the one to shy away from a possibly unsound sack I recently had a game where I could away my knight for two pawns, a very annoying knight pin and my opponents king stuck in the center.
What I thought was:
1 - If he gives back my knight I'll end up with two connected passed pawns
2 - If he doesn't give my knight back I'll have a pin and his king stuck in the center with plenty of attacking chances.
Later on my opponent made a move that surprised me (after my 18. g3 which maybe was a lost of tempo but I was thinking on placing my bishop on f4): 18. ... Ra8?!. After that move I saw a promising queen sac and just had to go for it.
After 20. Nxe7+ black should have played 20. ... Kd8 but from what I can see I still end up a pawn ahead with the bonus of having two connected passed pawns on the queen side.
Anyway here it is:
Originally posted by adam warlockNice. Did have the mate on move 23 as he noted. Nice, nonetheless. I am tempted often to do the knight sac for the two pawns plus the pin.
Never the one to shy away from a possibly unsound sack I recently had a game where I could away my knight for two pawns, a very annoying knight pin and my opponents king stuck in the center.
What I thought was:
1 - If he gives back my knight I'll end up with two connected passed pawns
2 - If he doesn't give my knight back I'll have a pin and his ki ...[text shortened]... 5+ Kd8 22.Bxd6 Rxa2 23.Bc7+ Kc8 24.Be5+ Kd8 25.Bxh8 Be7 26.Be5 Ba6 27.Bf6 Bxf6 28.Re8# 1-0[/pgn]
Hi Adam W.
A nice cloudy sac. The type that is usually won OTB and lost in the analysis room.
21.Bg5 double check and mate (the Bg5 Bishop was on e3) would have been the perfect wrap up.
Did Mum never tell you not to play with your food. 🙂
Sometimes just playing with your food can lead to.....
Dollbraegen - adam warlock RHP 2008 Game 4895491
Black (who lost this game) to play
played 21.Qh3+. but...
21...Qe4+ mates in all variations.
Originally posted by SwissGambitBusted!
What's the continuation against 12...Bd7?
[fen]r2qkb1r/3b1ppp/2n1p1n1/1B6/3P4/4BN2/PP3PPP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 1 13[/fen]
@greenpawn: I totally missed the discovered check mate.