Has anyone seen this game between Kramnik and Carlsen from the Tal memorial (Sorry can't extract the pgn but it's worth seeing with analysis!)...
What is it with these two? Their games are always so exciting!! 😀
Originally posted by MarinkatombI saw it, crazy game. Btw, today Carlsen played against Chucky.
Has anyone seen this game between Kramnik and Carlsen from the Tal memorial (Sorry can't extract the pgn but it's worth seeing with analysis!)...
What is it with these two? Their games are always so exciting!! 😀
74 moves
21 Nov 11
Here's the PGN. Intriguing game.
There seemed to be a question of whether Carlsen should have rejected the draw by repetition and played on to win. Not entirely sure though what he could have played to avoid repetition without putting himself at a disadvantage. Any ideas?
Originally posted by NybesRussian site chesspro.ru believes Carlsen would've won with 41...Kb8 42.Nb6 Bc8 and some more analysis follows.
Here's the PGN. Intriguing game.
[pgn]1. c4 e5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 h6 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. e4 Nc6 6. Nge2 Bc5 7. d3 d6 8. h3 Nh7 9. a3 a6 10. O-O Ng5 11. Kh2 Ne6 12. f4 Bd7 13. b4 Ba7 14. Nd5 Ned4 15. Nec3 Be6 16. f5 Bd7 17. Rb1 Nb8 18. c5 dxc5 19. bxc5 Bc8 20. Qh5 Nd7 21. Na4 c6 22. Ndb6 Nxc5 23. f6 g5 24. Bxg5 Nxa4 25. Nxa8 b5 26. Be3 Bb8 27. g4 Rg8 28. Qxh6 Be6 29 ...[text shortened]... he could have played to avoid repetition without putting himself at a disadvantage. Any ideas?
Originally posted by Paul LeggettAbsolutely agree! I recommend viewing the analysis on chessbase AND chessvibes. Much has been made about Carlsens moves in the opening, The Bc8 and Nb8 move out into the game, move around and then return to their original position!. This obviously flies in the face of concentric wisdom concerning chess principles....but it works! His strategy was to draw Kramnik out, which, when you consider Kramniks extremely solid style makes sense. You can only force matters when your opponent over stretches or makes a flat out mistake, something Kramnik rarely does! I think blacks play is extremely creative, Kramnik played an excellent game also, he found threats and pushed and pushed, but black just seems to always have a handle on the position. It's a real shame Carlsen didn't find the ..Bc8 idea at the end, because to win a classis game such as this would have been a serious landmark in his career.
I love games such as this- lots of maneuvering, with play all over the board. Mental fencing!
That said, Kramnik in no way deserved to lose! I love the way he handled this game, it is very rare that i play over drawn games, but i never miss a match between these two, every encounter is fascinating. I think Carlsen in a lot of ways has emulated Kramniks style (especially when he was younger), two great masters. Excellent stuff 😀