I have a game going where i have a King/rook/knight and my opponent has a King/Rook, no pawns on either side. Am i correct in assuming this ending is drawn? I have offered my opponent a draw already which he refused (Lord knows why 😕). Obviously i'm not asking for assistance in how to play this ending, but if it is theoretically possible to FORCE a win, without any mistakes being necessary, I'd like to know. Again, i don't need you to tell me how, i'll find out myself... Many thanks 😀
Originally posted by XanthosNZLOL, sounds like you really now what your talking about 😛
Should be 36.7, 63.3 and 0.1 respectively.
The extra 0.1% comes from rounding.
Sorry copied it down wrong.
Thanks a lot for the info, i'm going to have to really try and master this ending quickly, though i've still got 50 moves till the draw (excluding errors) 😀