"Messages ... suggest" that Mr. Alexander accessed Mr. Hough's e-mails at the behest of Ms. Polgar. This anticipates a partial defense for Mr. Alexander at the expense of Ms. Polgar. Given that Mr. Alexander's computer was seized by the Secret Service, we may now speculate whether forensic analysis of it will show a link confirming that Ms. Polgar actively conspired with Mr. Alexander. If such is the case, charges may issue against her as well.o.O
Originally posted by FabianFnasIn American culture you are not required to use "Mrs." Men just use "Mr." "Ms." was devised to signify a female worthy of respect whether she is married or not.
In the article I could read "Ms. Polgar and her husband, Paul Truong"
Why 'Ms'? Why not 'Mrs'?
Because she is married to her husband, isn't she?