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Little irked.  Tell me he didn't have to resig...

Little irked. Tell me he didn't have to resig...

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This game was a nasty bit of business that concluded just a few moments ago today for me. We both had taken no pieces at all the entire game although mutiple pieces could've been taken at any time. I was bearing down but I know he could have prevented me from winning or at least took out my legs for a good time but he rolled over and played dead, tell me what do you think he should've moved to keep the game up?

He's white.

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1. Bxh6 dxc3 2. b4 Q retreats 3. B retreats and still fighting chances on both sides I believe.

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I haven't really thought this one through but... .. at first glance it does look like Bd2 might also be interesting--sacrificing the Knight for both of the center pawns.

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In the line bxh6 dxc3 b4 i wouldn't forget the possibility of an en passant capture by the pawn on c3. I haven't analysed it however.

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Yes im a muppet. ive looked at the board a little more closely now. You cant capture en passant.

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Originally posted by alexisstevcotius
[fen]rnb2rk1/p3bpp1/2p4n/qp2p2p/3pP2P/P1NP1NP1/1PP1BP2/R1BQK2R w KQ - 0 13[/fen]

This game was a nasty bit of business that concluded just a few moments ago today for me. We both had taken no pieces at all the entire game although mutiple pieces could've been taken at any time. I was bearing down but I know he could have prevented me from winni ...[text shortened]... played dead, tell me what do you think he should've moved to keep the game up?

He's white.

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I like Yuga's line.
I think white actually comes out a little ahead in that. Gets black's king exposed, gets the tempo, and has several unprotected pawns he can threaten to keep the pressure on while getting his pieces in position for a kingside attack.

I think if someone where to play that out, white could come out with a win.

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Originally posted by Yuga
1. Bxh6 dxc3 2. b4 Q retreats 3. B retreats and still fighting chances on both sides I believe.
After 1. Bxh6 gxh6 2. b4 Qa6 3. Nb1 Bxb4+ Black is slightly better.

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Originally posted by Bowmann
After 1. Bxh6 gxh6 2. b4 Qa6 3. Nb1 Bxb4+ Black is slightly better.
3. B retreats. 3.Bd2 for example?

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Originally posted by propawnkiller
3. B retreats. 3.Bd2 for example?
The ghost of the white Bishop perhaps? 😕

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Originally posted by Bowmann
The ghost of the white Bishop perhaps? 😕
That sounds reasonable. Maybe I should go too bad before that ghost haunts me and suggests Na2 Qa3 B/Qd2 or even wosre...

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thanks all. I just was really irked and needed to see if I was thinking about the same thing on what the other side could do with the sac the knight to save the king through but i wasn't positive. I just kept wanting to increase pressure but I guess my opponent popped before letting off some of the pressure on him.

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You get irked when your opponent resigns?

Many here get irked when their opponents don't resign.

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look at that, not one piece taken. I got irked because he had a fighting chance. I resign once in awhile when I come up on the bad end of chess once in awhile mainly when i'm pretty much stripped of pieces mainly. I don't like resignation when there's a decent chance at winning.

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