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main line ruy

main line ruy

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19 May 03
23 May 04
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A discussion in another thread made me realise that I don't know what is regarded as the main line of the Ruy Lopez aka spanish game.Not that I will face it,nor play it myself,but just out of curiousity,which line is it?

Sir Lot.

blunderer of pawns

Rhode (not an)Island

17 Apr 04
23 May 04
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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
A discussion in another thread made me realise that I don't know what is regarded as the main line of the Ruy Lopez aka spanish game.Not that I will face it,nor play it myself,but just out of curiousity,which line is it?

Sir Lot.
I believe this is what most opening theorists consider to be the main line these days:

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.h3 O-O......not sure how much further this continues while still being considered main line, but I know White's most usual idea is to play c3 to prepare d4, and also play the moves Nb1-d2-f1-g3 eventally.

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