I have an OTB tournament game with the same trick.
G.Morrison - G.Chandler, Edinburgh Club Minor Ch. 1978
1. b3 {Always had a good games v this. Inspired by that famous Larsen - Spassky I go sac mad.} 1... e5 2. e4 d5 3. exd5 Bc5 4. Qe2 Nf6 5. Qxe5+ Be6 {6.dxe6 Bd5. which also threatens Bxf2+ and Ng4+ a load of trick are based on the loose a1 rook and asac on f2.} 6. d4 Nc6 {7.dxc6 Bd4 which also threaens Bxf2+ and Ng4+} 7. Bb5 O-O 8. Bxc6 Ng4 9. Qe4 Qf6 10. Be3 Bf5 11. Qf3 bxc6 12. c3 Bd6 13. dxc6 Rfe8 14. Ne2 Re7 15. Nd2 Rae8 {My opponent spent ages pondering what happens to him if he 0-0.and me plying Rxe3 or Nxe3. Suddenly he looked at his clock, shrugged his shoulders and played 0-0-0.} 16. O-O-O Ba3