Only Chess
24 Mar 08
Originally posted by ivan29081...Qxd5+ (obviously) 2. Kxd5 Nf6+ 3.Kc4 Be6+ 4.Kb5 a6+ 5.Ka4 b5+ 6.Nxb5 (6.Bxb5 ends even faster) 6...axb5+ 7.Kxb5 Ra5+ 8.Kxc6 Bd5+ (would have been mate after 6.Bxb5) 9.Kd6 Ne8#
I solved it in one tutorial.. but it is easier in tutorial because it says you when you do the right move (I didn't do any mistake though 😛)
Black to move :
[fen]r1bk3r/pp5p/2nN4/3N2qn/2Kbppp1/P7/1PP1B1P1/R1BQ3R b - - 0 1[/fen]
Almost all black pieces did contribute.