[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2016.10.27"]
[EndDate "2016.11.05"]
[Round "?"]
[White "sonhouse"]
[Black "masam"]
[WhiteRating "1744"]
[BlackRating "1370"]
[WhiteElo "1744"]
[BlackElo "1370"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "11935047"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Bc1f4 c5 4. Bf4xb8 Ra8xb8 5. Qd1a4 Bc8d7 6. Qa4d1 Ng8f6 7. Nb1c3 cxd4 8. Qd1xd4 Qd8a5 9. Ng1f3 Bf8b4 10. Nf3d2 Bb4xc3 11. bxc3 Rb8c8 12. e3 Nf6e4 13. Nd2xe4 dxe4 14. Bf1e2 O-O 15. O-O Bd7c6 16. Qd4d2 Rc8d8 17. Qd2b2 Rd8b8 18. Qb2b4 Qa5xb4 19. cxb4 Rf8d8 20. a4 Rd8d2 21. Rf1e1 Rd2d8 22. b5 Bc6e8 23. Re1d1 Kg8f8 24. Rd1xd8 Rb8xd8 25. Ra1d1 Kf8e7 26. Kg1f1 Rd8xd1 27. Be2xd1 Ke7d6 28. a5 Kd6c5 29. Bd1e2 a6 30. bxa6 bxa6 31. Kf1e1 Kc5b4 32. Ke1d2 Kb4xa5 33. Kd2c3 Ka5b6 34. c5 Kb6b7 35. Kc3b4 Be8c6 36. Kb4a5 Kb7a7 37. Be2xa6 f5 38. Ba6b5 Bc6d5 39. c6 e5 40. Bb5a4 f4 41. Ka5b5 Bd5e6 42. Ba4c2 Be6f5 43. Kb5c5 Ka7b8 44. Kc5d6 f3 45. gxf3 g6 46. fxe4 Bf5g4 47. Bc2d3 Bg4f3 48. c7 Kb8c8 49. Bd3a6 1-0
On move 4 I realized just in time if I took the pawn with queen it would be trapped or take on b7 and it would be perpet on my queen so draw, back home with queen then.
move 19 I was surprised he took queen which straightened out my pawns.
move 48 if he had gone b7 with king I still check with B, KxB pawn queens made possible by 47 B-d3