Cheers! How do I contact Russ (or if your watching, heres the problem!)
I am currently involved in a very drawn out game with Rayjordan, which has now gone to 55 moves. with only my king, and his king and 1 rook left on the board. I have asked twice if he would accept a draw, the first time he ignored me (when we had 5 pawns each and his rook), then when I sent a polite message, he accused me of taking the p155! Is there a maximum amount of moves, before a draw is delared and if so, how can I make him accept the draw?
Originally posted by TosserThe 50 move rule applies in situations in which there have been no pawn moves or captures for 50 moves.
I am currently involved in a very drawn out game with Rayjordan, which has now gone to 55 moves. with only my king, and his king and 1 rook left on the board. I have asked twice if he would accept a draw, the first time he ignored me (when we had 5 pawns each and his rook), then when I sent a polite message, he accused me of taking the p155! Is there a maximum amount of moves, before a draw is delared and if so, how can I make him accept the draw?[/b]
In your game with Rayjordan, you captured a pawn on the 51st move, so need to hang on for another 46 moves to claim the draw.
If you manage to survive that long with just a king against a king and rook, contact Russ and I'm sure he'll declare the game drawn.
I respectfully think (to use a phrase which I as an ignorant Yank was just taught) that you ARE "taking the pi$$" in these circumstances. Anyone rated 1355, as Rayjordan is (and his is fair too, Tosser!), is perfectly capable of mating with a rook and king against a king. Furthermore, it has only been 4 moves since the game was reduced to this state and RJ seems to be doing a decent job of closing in on you. Even someone with such a humble level of chess sophistication as myself can recognize that it is ludicrous for you to talk draws wrt that game at this point. Come back when you've survived those 46 moves.