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Miserable draw

Miserable draw

Only Chess

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This was played on another site. I was winning and my opponent pretty much had his hands tied while I had all the time and space to maneuver. But this was a 1 day per move game and most probabily I won't be seeing a chess site on this weekend or at least tomorrow during the whole day.

So I had to offer draw to not to risk a time out loss while I was winning.

Only after I've offered the draw offer I remembered that that site probabily could have a vacation option. I checked and indeed it had. 😞 The opponent accepted the draw and I was denied of a pretty win. 😞

1. Nc3 c5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 e5
5. Nf3 Nf6
6. Bg5 Be7
7. g3 d6
8. Bg2 h6
9. Bxf6 Bxf6
10. Nd5 Be6
11. Nxf6+ gxf6
12. O-O d5
13. b3 Qd7
14. a4 O-O-O
15. c3 Bh3
16. c4 Bxg2
17. Kxg2 d4
18. Rb1 Nb4
19. Qd2 a5
20. e3 d3
21. Rfd1 Qc6
22. Qc3 h5
23. h4 Rhg8
24. c5 Rg4
25. Rd2 Rdg8
26. Rh1 b6
27. Rdd1 Rd8

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