The below game is almost the holy grail of missing a mate in one and being mated next move. Actually it was a mate in two missed. Others have noted Zenic is inconsistent probably due to the number of games played!
[Event "June 2008 Grand Long Haul I"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2008.06.21"]
[EndDate "2010.08.30"]
[Round "1"]
[White "MP"]
[Black "Zenic"]
[WhiteRating "1666"]
[BlackRating "1419"]
[WhiteELO "1666"]
[BlackELO "1419"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "5130293"]
1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Bf1b5 d6 4. O-O Bc8d7 5. c3 Bf8e7 6. d4 exd4 7. cxd4 Ng8f6 8. Rf1e1 O-O 9. Nb1c3 a6 10. Bb5a4 h6 11. Ba4c2 Nc6b4 12. Bc2b1 Bd7g4 13. h3 Bg4h5 14. d5 a5 15. a3 Nb4a6 16. g4 Bh5g6 17. Nf3h4 Bg6xe4 18. Nc3xe4 Nf6xe4 19. Nh4f5 g6 20. Bc1xh6 gxf5 21. Bh6xf8 Qd8xf8 22. Bb1xe4 fxe4 23. Re1xe4 Be7h4 24. Qd1d2 Na6c5 25. Re4e3 Ra8e8 26. Qd2xa5 Re8xe3 27. fxe3 Qf8e7 28. Qa5c3 Qe7e4 29. Ra1f1 Qe4xd5 30. b4 Nc5a6 31. Rf1f5 Qd5d1 32. Rf5f1 Qd1d5 33. a4 c6 34. Rf1f5 Qd5d1 35. Kg1g2 Qd1e2 36. Kg2h1 Na6c7 37. Rf5h5 Qe2f1 38. Kh1h2 Qf1f2 39. Kh2h1 Qf2f3 40. Kh1g1 Bh4f2 41. Kg1h2 Qf3xe3 42. Qc3h8 1-0
Originally posted by LundosYep. The guy has 755 games in progress.
The Nb3 fork. 🙂
Zenic's Stats
Games Played 2512
Rated 2345
Won 1500
Lost 935
Drawn 77
In Progress 755
Why not play a lower number of games so that you can see tactics like these and then if idle play some casual blitz/rapid on the side? Playing 700+ games simultaneously means you are churning out RHP Blitz performance in each game.