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Missed shots!

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Here's one I prepared earlier, White had just played Ba5 hitting my Queen:

I played a "reaction move" Qe7........ what shot did I miss?

Maybe afterwards, post one of your own missed shots from a recent game.... or one of your opponents'. 😀

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Originally posted by @vandervelde
Yep, simple now I see it, always frustrating to not see it until later on...

Had anything similar in your games recently?

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The move Qd6 had such a cramping effect on black's position that I considered it to completely worth the b2 pawn and went for it. But I missed a quite simple tactic.

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Originally posted by @vandervelde
Do I suck because I thought your answer was a jike then had to think about it for a few seconds?

The answer, yes, yes it does.

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Originally posted by @laskerian
The move Qd6 had such a cramping effect on black's position that I considered it to completely worth the b2 pawn and went for it. But I missed a quite simple tactic.

[fen]2br1rk1/3pnppp/2n1pq2/1BN5/4P3/4B3/PP1Q1PPP/R2R2K1 w - - 1 18[/fen]
Is yours:
Bxc6, and recapture either leads to losing an exchange (Nxc6 Bg5) or dropping a rook (dxc6 Qxd8 and cannot take the Queen due to Rxd8 mate)

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Originally posted by @64squaresofpain
Is yours: ...
Yes it is, well done! Now another question (Actually asking your opinion):
After (1- Bxc6 Nxc6 2-Bg5), black could play Qe5 and go after my knight instead of my bishop. Then, after saving my bishop, black could play d5 and free his position and get some counter-play. Although I admit I didn't see this line, but If I had seen it, I might still have played Qed6 to keep black at bay. What would you have done?

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Originally posted by @eladar
Do I suck because I thought your answer was a jike then had to think about it for a few seconds?

The answer, yes, yes it does.
Of course not. Many such tactics become obvious after you figure them out and after that you always wonder why you couldn't spot them immediately.

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Originally posted by @laskerian
Yes it is, well done! Now another question (Actually asking your opinion): [hidden] After (1- Bxc6 Nxc6 2-Bg5), black could play Qe5 and go after my knight instead of my bishop. Then, after saving my bishop, black could play d5 and free his position and get some counter-play. Although I admit I didn't see this line, but If I had seen it, I might still have played Qed6 to keep black at bay. What would you have done? [/hidden]
On my phone so not sure, but after Qe5 don't you have Nd3 with tempo hitting the Queen, she moves elsewhere then u can play BxR?

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Originally posted by @64squaresofpain
On my phone so not sure, but after Qe5 don't you have Nd3 with tempo hitting the Queen, she moves elsewhere then u can play BxR?
I think I would lose my rather important e4 pawn for nothing then. It also blocks my queen.

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Originally posted by @laskerian
I think I would lose my rather important e4 pawn for nothing then. It also blocks my queen.
I see, well it's still an exchange win, you play BxR, he plays QxN
then immediately you play Bc7 looking to land a Bishop fork on d6.

Your Rooks are also much more mobile, so should be comfortable enough to play for win.
EDIT: And I'd say those connected passed pawns on the Queenside are much more significant than e4

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Originally posted by @64squaresofpain
I see, well it's still an exchange win, you play BxR, he plays QxN
then immediately you play Bc7 looking to land a Bishop fork on d6.

Your Rooks are also much more mobile, so should be comfortable enough to play for win.
EDIT: And I'd say those connected passed pawns on the Queenside are much more significant than e4
Yes, they are all good points. Thank you very much!

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I missed mate in two on move 12, which greenpawn pointed out to me later.

I still managed to mate on move 18 though.

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Originally posted by @moonbus
I missed mate in two on move 12, which greenpawn pointed out to me later.

I still managed to mate on move 18 though.

[pgn][Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2017.04.27"]
[EndDate "2017.05.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "moonbus"]
[Black "Tshotsho Khalapa"]
[WhiteRating "1948"]
[BlackRating "989"]
[WhiteElo "1948"]
[BlackE ...[text shortened]... e7 b5 14. Ba4b3 Ke8xe7 15. Qh5xf7 Ke7d8 16. Qf7xf6 Kd8e8 17. Bb3f7 Ke8f8 18. Bc1h6 1-0

EDIT: nevermind, KnightxRook isn't available due to that wobbly back rank!

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Originally posted by @64squaresofpain
EDIT: nevermind, KnightxRook isn't available due to that wobbly back rank!
12. NxR (instead of RxB+) is killer. It threatens mate on f7 next move. Black's pieces are pinned, he's helpless.

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