Ok, what is it, my opponents try as hard as they can to give me free pieces, and I am so nice that I always turn them down. I don't really remember having a problem with this - what is it?!
[Event "Rated game, 25m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.11.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "CMSMaster"]
[Black "Looser1"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B90"]
[WhiteElo "1605"]
[BlackElo "1772"]
[Annotator "Fritz 9 (1s)"]
[PlyCount "29"]
[EventDate "2006.11.15"]
{B90: Sicilian Najdorf: Unusual White 6th moves, 6 Be3 Ng4 and 6 Be3 e5} 1. e4
c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Rg1 Nc6 7. Be3 e6 8. g4 {
last book move} Be7 {White has a very active position} 9. Qd2 b5 $4 (9... Ne5
$142 $5 $11 {is interesting}) 10. g5 (10. Nxc6 $142 {and White wins} Qc7 11.
Nxe7 Qxe7 12. g5 $18) 10... Nxd4 $16 11. Bxd4 b4 12. gxf6 bxc3 13. Qxc3 Bxf6 (
13... gxf6 $5 14. O-O-O Bb7 $16) 14. Bxf6 $18 Qxf6 $4 {
simply worsens the situation} (14... gxf6 $142 15. Qc6+ Bd7 16. Qxd6 Ba4 $18)
15. Qc6+ (15. Qc6+ Ke7 16. Rd1 $18 (16. Qxa8 $143 Qxb2 17. Rd1 Qb6 $18)) 1-0
[Event "Rated game, 25m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.11.13"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Metek"]
[Black "CMSMaster"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B77"]
[WhiteElo "1703"]
[BlackElo "1576"]
[PlyCount "32"]
[EventDate "2006.11.15"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
1. e4 {3} c5 {1} 2. Nf3 {3} d6 {6} 3. d4 {2} cxd4 {1} 4. Nxd4 {1} Nf6 {1} 5.
Nc3 {1} g6 {1} 6. Bc4 {7} Bg7 {2} 7. f3 {21} Nc6 {2} 8. Be3 {23} O-O {4} 9. Qd2
{3} Bd7 {1} 10. Bh6 {17} Rc8 {4} 11. Bxg7 {5} Kxg7 {1} 12. Bb3 {40} Ne5 {4} 13.
Qe2 {34} Qa5 {63} 14. O-O {53} Rxc3 {30} 15. bxc3 {13} Qxc3 {1} 16. a4 {36}
Qxd4+ {Metek abandonne (Lag: Av=0.71s, max=3.0s) 62} 0-1
It's driving me nuts...I won both of these games, but with 25 minutes for the game I shouldn't be missing free pieces like that.