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Modern Chess Opeinings.

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Since getting MCO last week I have lost 130 points. I suck. 🙁 Kirk

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What can i say .....

MCO opened up a whole new level of playing for me, but it does have a down side you can get over confident or reliant on the book. i certainly did on a few games.

I picked a difficult opening that i had not played before and relied on the book to get me through it, that does not work as i found out. I was stuck when my opponent diverted from the standard opening (well standard according to the book) 😕

Good luck with it...


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Don't give up on the book!It is normal to drop back at first.You just need to get used to the new stuff you're seeing now.But,do NOT just follow the booklines.It is much more important to understand why those lines are best.If you understand what you play in the opening you won't have any problems when your opponent diverts from book.Remember,chess is about understanding,not memorizing booklines!

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Since getting MCO last week I have lost 130 points. I suck. 🙁 Kirk
LOL!! You'll be okay Kirk! I bought the book "Play Winning Chess" by Yasser Seirwan. I've had it for over 6 months and have read one page! :o)

I love the game of Chess, but struggle with its concepts. What I mean is that I don't fully understand it. Dave taught me quite a bit and I've done a little better, but I can't seem to grasp all there is of it. When someone tells me the move I should have made, it doesn't always register. I have difficulty planning ahead and seem to be mostly running away from various moves. I guess I need to read the book.

For some reason, I feel that if I can become a part of the game and see it from the inside, I might do better.

Sorry for rattling on. I'm in a weird mood tonight. Kirk, you'll do better soon. I know you will. Keep at it. You're a great guy!

Doug 🙂

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It seems that a lot of the Theory can go back and forth. The fried liver attack use to be wining for white.. Then it was thought to be lossing for white. and now hmmm Some body look it up for me please and tell me what they say now. I play it just for fun (only otb ) either way because its fun to get away with sacing a pieace if you can.

The funnest game I ever played was one that I went againt current theory and got a cushing game. I used it because the grandmaster know for the defence said in his book that there was no way that the line of play was good. It was the shortest chapter in the book. I thought maybe he dosnt want anybody playing it. LOL
Well that line is current or was 15 years ago the new main line.

In short I use the book but I try to use my head also. So if you don't understand a line don't play it or try harder to understand.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Since getting MCO last week I have lost 130 points. I suck. 🙁 Kirk
I got MCO a few months ago, and have learnt a few of the standard openings. However my rating now is about the same as it was then, contrary to my expectations. Ok, I lost about 180 points from timeouts in qf3, but even so... Often, if i'm careful, i seem to get through the opening ok. lots of people know opening principles, so often i don't have a great advantage (or any) as we enter the middle game. it's here that i am convinced i need to improve. i just bought a massive book, even bigger than MCO, by Laslo Polgar. No text, just about 4500 middle game positions organised under 77 different strategy headings. the idea is you learn by working out what to do next in each position. only just started usi ng it, so i don't know how much it can affect my game. it has sections on specific things like attacking g7, h7 etc to get at the king. anyway kirksey, keep at it! most of us, except the top guys on the site are just struggling through...

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