Has anyone got any games that they really should have won but threw it away at the very last?
Heres one where I didn't pay enough attention to the time controls and timed out:
[Event "uChess rated"]
[Site "www.uchess.com"]
[Date "2007.8.3"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Jake Ellison"]
[Black "Checkers"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. b2-b4 d7-d5 2. d2-d4 e7-e5 3. c2-c3 e5xd4 4. c3xd4 Bf8xb4 5. Bc1-d2 Qd8-e7 6. Bd2xb4 Qe7xb4 7. Nb1-d2 Qb4xd4 8. Ng1-f3 Qd4-b4 9. Ra1-b1 Qb4-a5 10. a2-a4 Bc8-d7 11. Rb1-a1 Nb8-c6 12. e2-e3 Bd7-f5 13. Bf1-b5 Ng8-e7 14. Nf3-e5 O-O 15. Ne5xc6 Ne7xc6 16. Bb5xc6 b7xc6 17. Qd1-h5 g7-g6 18. Qh5-h6 Bf5-d3 19. Ra1-a3 Bd3-a6 20. Ke1-d1 Ra8-b8 21. Nd2-f3 Rb8-b1 22. Kd1-c2 Rb1xh1 23. Nf3-g5 Rh1xh2 24. Qh6xh2 Kg8-g7 25. Qh2-e5 f7-f6 0-1