I have too many embarrassing losses to pick a favorite, so I'll share a win I'll never forget.
I was a member on a discussion board (not a chess site) and frequently butted heads with matty - he wasn't too smart but he sure was rude and we didn't like each other. One day a member invited several us to join him for some chess at chessatwork.com, and the group that joined him included me and matty.
So as it happens, my very first game here was against matty, my enemy, and I beat him with a fool's mate! No kidding. He let his other three games time out and hasn't been heard from since.
Pow! Bam! Take that you loud-mouthed idiot!
edit: Matty73 if you want to verify. There are like 5 pages of Mattys here!
Originally posted by ketchuploverWith so many ways to lose, and only a few ways to win, these mini tragedy's befall all of us now and then.
from yesyerday on another site...I had white. White = g3 h3 Rb4 Rd4 Qb8 Kg4 Black = g5 h6 Qa5 Kf6
Last move of game was B8(Q). I resigned quickly and congratulated my foe
May this be a lesson to all.
Originally posted by ketchuploverWHAT? You resigned in a drawn position!
from yesyerday on another site...I had white. White = g3 h3 Rb4 Rd4 Qb8 Kg4 Black = g5 h6 Qa5 Kf6
Last move of game was B8(Q). I resigned quickly and congratulated my foe
May this be a lesson to all.
You had a draw by perpetual check with Qf5+ and then Qg6+ and back to Qf5+! etc.
I don't remember the exact quote, but I think greenpawn34 once said that just because you see a move doesn't mean your opponent does.
Spectators didn't see 1.b8=Q Qf5+ 2.Kh5 g4+ 3.Kh4 Qg5# or 3.Kxh6 Qg6#
That's not a knock on him. At first glance most people are looking for Queen checks and could have simply overlooked the discovered check with pawn to g4.
Is it possible ketchuplover's opponent would have gone for the perpetual check for a draw?
Against KilgoreTrout, a 1400 player here. He had a thread running regarding a daft opening system he was enamoured of and with which, so he claimed, he had defeated several players rated much higher than himself. I rose to the challenge and offered to fall into a prepared variation of his, the first few moves being fixed. I screwed it up and thereby confirmed his claim that his opening works. I still think it's a bad opening, but I sure didn't prove it in that game.
PS to GP, yeah, go ahead and search the archive for that ludicrous game, publish it for all to see and have a good laugh. Cringe cringe. We all make blunders. I console myself that even Capablanca once dropped a piece in the opening against Tarrasch.