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My best blitz game ever

My best blitz game ever

Only Chess


03 Jul 07
05 Oct 07
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After my traditional blunders, I really turned the table around in the endgame of this blitz batle (By the way, it was a fast game, only 3 minutes!). I thought the opponent never expected a mate with a knight and a rock. Good game or I just got lucky? (I played blacks).

1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 3. Bf1-c4 h7-h6 4. d2-d3 Ng8-f6 5. h2-h3 Bf8-c5 6. c2-c3 d7-d6 7. a2-a4 a7-a6 8. b2-b4 Bc5-a7 9. a4-a5 Qd8-e7 10. O-O Bc8-e6 11. Nb1-a3 Be6xc4 12. Na3xc4 d6-d5 13. e4xd5 Nf6xd5 14. Rf1-e1 f7-f6 15. d3-d4 O-O-O 16. Nf3-h4 Rd8-e8 17. Nh4-f5 Qe7-f7 18. Qd1-g4 Kc8-b8 19. Nf5xg7 Rh8-g8 20. Bc1xh6 Rg8-h8 21. Ng7xe8 Qf7xe8 22. Bh6-g7 Rh8-g8 23. d4xe5 Qe8-f7 24. e5xf6 Nd5xf6 25. Nc4-e5 Nf6xg4 26. Ne5xf7 Ba7xf2 27. Kg1-f1 Bf2xe1 28. Ra1xe1 Rg8xg7 29. Re1-e8 Kb8-a7 30. h3xg4 Rg7xf7 31. Kf1-g1 Rf7-f4 32. g4-g5 Rf4-g4 33. Re8-g8 Nc6-e5 34. Kg1-h2 Ne5-d3 35. Kh2-h3 Rg4-c4 36. g5-g6 Rc4xc3 37. g6-g7 Nd3-e5 38. Kh3-h2 Ne5-g4 39. Kh2-g1 Rc3-c1 0-1

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