This is what I consider my best game because of my opponents rating,but is also my worst complaint because I think I could win.
Game 454571
I got greedy and took an insignificant pawn,thrashing the victory due to an incoming draw by 3 fold repetition.
Do you guys check out any other mistakes in this match?
I wish to hear any comment...........thanks.
Originally posted by OsseI think you might wanna take another look at that 20...,d5 line.How does Qh7 win the game for white????It loses the queen!
Can't edit my previous post. I meant 20.Rd3, when:
20...Raf8 21.Rg3 wins
20...Be8 21.Rg3 wins
20...d5 21.Bxd5 Qxd3 22.Qh7 wins
so, 20...Qh5, when 21.Bxf7+ KxB 22.Rf3+ gives White a winning attack to compensate for his extra material.
Originally posted by SirLoseALotI would have used Rd4 earlier (20. Rd4) since the Rook at f7 is pinned, moves the d1 Rook out of the way and simultaneously would have a discovered attack at the Bishop on a4 (who was earlier attacking white's Rook). IMHO, this move alone would have been decisive for white.
21.Rd4 looks stronger than your 21.Rb1,other than that I don't see any improvements.Good game.