Hi there,
This is a game I just finished, I tried the bayonet for the first time and it worked the charm. The knight sacrifice essentially finished the game, but I was stalled in midgame, any moves I might have missed or wrong moves I made?
Here's the game: Game 4043657
Originally posted by GatussoHi
Hi there,
This is a game I just finished, I tried the bayonet for the first time and it worked the charm. The knight sacrifice essentially finished the game, but I was stalled in midgame, any moves I might have missed or wrong moves I made?
Here's the game: Game 4043657
Please, note, I made the last move in order to surrend the game and not because I'm so stupid 🙂
Originally posted by GatussoI like this game because you did well in constructing a well developed and defended attack.
Hi there,
This is a game I just finished, I tried the bayonet for the first time and it worked the charm. The knight sacrifice essentially finished the game, but I was stalled in midgame, any moves I might have missed or wrong moves I made?
Here's the game: Game 4043657