This is my favorite game and i think the best ive played.
Game 3607951
any comments or ways i coulda mated quicker.
Originally posted by pwdalesActually white had better position in opening.
This is my favorite game and i think the best ive played.
Game 3607951
any comments or ways i coulda mated quicker.
11.Bh3? and 12.g4? was bad idea
12....e5?? was blunder on which white could take pawn with 13.Nxd5. 12....h5 would give black advantage
13....g4? was mistake which could lead to loss. Black should have played 13...Rxc8, but anyway white would have more comfortable position.
18.f3 was bad move - after 18.Qxd5 white should win easily.
20.Kg2? was decisive mistake. - White could force perpetual check after 20.Nxd5! Nxg4 21.Nc7+ Ke7 22.Nd5+
After 21.Qe1? black had chance to mate white king - but also after 21.Kxh3 Nxe3 black should win.