I posted this in my other thread, but then it dawned on me that I've never sac'd a major piece before, except where mate or a queen capture is one or two moves ahead. This is the first time I've ever seen ahead and sac'd for later compensation. So I decided to put it in a new thread since it's a milestone for me.
Myself and my opponent are RHP rated in the low 14's. So was this sac accurate?
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2009.7.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "USArmyParatrooper"]
[Black "candletrader"]
[Result "1-0"]
Originally posted by heinzkatIt's cool. I guess my next milestone will be a major sac that's technically correct.
You won the game so what's the problem, Rxg7+ posed enough problems for your OPPONENT which is always the only aim. 🙂
I guess since my opponent misstepped and it got the job done it was my best option anyway. I'm pretty sure I was otherwise screwed regardless.
Edit: I'm noticing my openings tend to be pretty weak. More often than not when I'm in hot water it usually began there.
Try using a database
The best way i find is to go through various lines in an opening to try and pick up the idea of the opening, then when my opponent differs from my database i assume it is a 'wrong' move, and use the knowlegde of what other moves he 'should' have played to determine what may be bad about his move and do my best to aim my army at any weakness it creates.
It doesn't always work but it's my approach and works for me okay