this is my second tournament game, only the first one I was too nervous to correctly keep score.
Franklin Exkorn (unr), Polly Wright (1700) 30 minute game
closed sicilian
1)e4,c5 2)Nc3,Nc6 3)g3,g6 4)Bg3,Bg7 5)d3,Nf6 6(f4,d6 7)Nf3,0-0 8)0-0,Bd7...I think at this point it is mostly book. From here my plan was to push my kingside pawns (thanks Reel em in Reed)...9)h3,Qc8 ...was she trying to pressure h3, or get into the c file hoping to open it later?..10)g4,e6 11)g5, Ne8 looking at this now, I think I got a bit over zealous w/ the pawns. What was wrong w/ 11)...Nh5? 12)Ne2...I had the presence of mind to make a note here... looking at Ng3 and h5 ...12)...f6 13)h4,d5 14)Ng3,Qc7 15)h5,pxg5 16)Nxg5, this point, I have 16:43 and she has 14:44 17)pxg6! (does this deserve an exclaimation ?)...pxg6 18)Nxe4!,b6 19)c3 (I want to free my bishop), Rd8 20)Qe1 (looking for an attack on the h file...Nf6 21)Qh4,Bc8...she sees the problem
...more of the game. 22)Bh3, Re8 23)Nf2,e5 24)Ng4,BxN 25)BxB,e4 26) I saw Ne6 forcing a trade of a rook for my night but I thought I saw somethin better leading w/ the bishop. Does anybody have an idea as to what I was doing?...Kf8 27)pxp I think I was looking to pressure her knight or something๐ Anyway, at this point, she has only a few seconds on her clock and I have over 3 minutes so in my excitement I stop writing which is a shame because what followed was one of the all time winning blunders.
From this point in the game, I somehow trade 2 minor pieces for her queen and a minor piece. (she was under serious time pressure) Then....da da DUM!!! I make an illegal move. While she was making a move every .0000126 nano seconds, I was only looking at my attacking chances so I did not see that she checked my King. My illegal queen move gave here 2 minutes and forced me to trade my queen for her bishop. Then, after about 10 seconds of flustered thought, I decide to move my King into the center of the board only to find that I graciously placed it on the same file as my bishop offering Polly a delicious Bisho/King skewer! So now, in the course of 2 moves, I've put myself in a losing position. I continued on for about 10 more painful moves before resigning.
Any comments??๐
Originally posted by fexkornFranklin, here are some comments on your game, in your text, preceded by SIN.
this is my second tournament game, only the first one I was too nervous to correctly keep score.
Franklin Exkorn (unr), Polly Wright (1700) 30 minute game
closed sicilian
1)e4,c5 2)Nc3,Nc6 3)g3,g6 4)Bg3,Bg7 5)d3,Nf6 6(f4,d6 7)Nf3,0-0 8)0-0,Bd7...I think at this point it is mostly book. From here my plan was to push my kingside pawns (thanks Reel em in Re ...[text shortened]... ishop), Rd8 20)Qe1 (looking for an attack on the h file...Nf6 21)Qh4,Bc8...she sees the problem
1)e4,c5 2)Nc3,Nc6 3)g3,g6 4)Bg3,Bg7 5)d3,Nf6 6(f4,d6 7)Nf3,0-0 8)0-0,Bd7...I think at this point it is mostly book. From here my plan was to push my kingside pawns (thanks Reel em in Reed)...
SIN: yes, black has chosen rather passive moves e.g. 8…. Bd7 (better something like Rb8 or so)
9)h3,Qc8 ...was she trying to pressure h3, or get into the c file..
SIN: probably she was aiming at h3 yes.
10)g4,e6 11)g5, Ne8 looking at this now, I think I got a bit over zealous w/ the pawns. What was wrong w/ 11)...Nh5?
SIN: what you did with the pawns was coherent with your plan explained before your 9th move. But you are right Nh5 was maybe a better defense.
12)Ne2...I had the presence of mind to make a note here... looking at Ng3 and h5
SIN: 12.e5 would have been more in line with the plan, I feel
...12)...f6 13)h4,d5
SIN: 13.c3 to defend and prepare d4 was good (better?)
14)Ng3,Qc7 15)h5,pxg5 16)Nxg5, this point, I have 16:43 and she has 14:44 17)pxg6! (does this deserve an exclaimation ?)
SIN: I think so. You have the h-file open, ready to use, as follows later.
...pxg6 18)Nxe4!,b6 19)c3 (I want to free my bishop)
SIN yes, but a queen move towards the h-line was also strong, and again more coherent with your plan: Qe1 or Qf3 or Qg4
19… Rd8 20)Qe1 (looking for an attack on the h file
SIN: or 20.Qg4 the queen has a choice then between h3 and h4
20....Nf6 21)Qh4,Bc8...she sees the problem
SIN: 21…. Bc8 is not good defense. Ne7 had better chances or Nh5.
...more of the game. 22)Bh3 ?
SIN: I put ‘?’. Stronger was: 22.Nxf6 Rxf6 23.Qh7 etc..
22…. Re8 23)Nf2
SIN: I prefer Rf3 to defend the pawn
23…e5 24)Ng4,BxN 25)BxB,e4 ??
SIN: e4 is a loosing move. She should have defended square e6 (Qd6 or Re6)
26) I saw Ne6 forcing a trade of a rook for my night but I thought I saw somethin better leading w/ the bishop. Does anybody have an idea as to what I was doing? ...Kf8 27)pxp I think I………………….
Any comments??
SIN: sure, you were winning with Be6! Later on you would have played (after the necessary exchanges) f5 and opened up for the final attack on the unprotected king. That was a good game you played! But you were too gallant at the end. ๐ Sin.