This will be my next purchase, once the Woodpecker Method is finished (about March) it was just published and promises to unlock the mystery of how to evaluate one's completed tournament games. Positions are from tournaments featuring players from 1400 to the GM level. Available on Amazon for $10.00 this might be a big help for those who DON'T want to rely solely on an engine for their analysis.
Looks good.
If I still had my 1000+ chess library I would definitely buy it...and not read it.
I've fallen victim to the digital world of playing and studying. It's just more comfortable and I actually study that way. I'll never be a big shot tournament player so digital it is from now on.
I played two games today against a WGM. 60+10
Ten game simul.
I got massacred 😔...twice.
@booger saidI'd guess her name is Mary. Once ranked #4 in the US among women. She left chess back in the 80's for academia. Returned about 5 years back. Rated about 1950 now. Good guess, or no?
The funny part is you're the one who mentioned her here long ago in a post and I've been following her on twitch ever since.
She focuses on chess and teaches while she plays and goes over the games of her viewers.
Can you guess who she is?
P.S. Don't be depressed about being massacred. When it comes to the royal game, her bite is much worse than her bark.
@mchill saidGM Perelshteyn is one of my favorite chess-video presenters. In videos his explanations are clear and he goes at a good pace.
This will be my next purchase, once the Woodpecker Method is finished (about March) it was just published and promises to unlock the mystery of how to evaluate one's completed tournament games. Positions are from tournaments featuring players from 1400 to the GM level. Available on Amazon for $10.00 this might be a big help for those who DON'T want to rely solely on an engine for their analysis.
My chess studies this year will probably be more scattered and less disciplined than yours, but I'll try to focus on general principles and fundamentals, such as tactics, pattern recognition, and calculation. Got some videos already lined up for that, and I also have some relevant books in my library. Time will tell whether I manage to sit still for any of it. 😉