I've been on a not so good streak lately and this game made me feel a little better. After a strange beginning, things went my way. I was happy to castle queenside after my opponent castled kingside. I was hoping for some feedback.
Game 6871655
Perfectly sound, that move it good, I would play it, .....Bxh2..... check... , etheir the king go the f-file and let go of the bishop , or he go to the h-file, and allow Bf4..... check... and after Kg1.... Trouble..
.... g5 is sound. , at least, black can draw. a reasonnable outcome for a queen, a draw worth to try it. if you can have more ...
Originally posted by Maxacre42In most of my losses, it is easy to pinpoint my error. Sometimes, the feedback I want is this. "Did I play it well, or did I just get lucky?" I learn more from that, than I do from, "well, if you hadn't left your rook hanging out there.........". Those things are obvious. If you want to tear up one of my many blunderful losses, feel free to root through my games. I'm sure you will find plenty of material. 😉 🙂 😛 😀
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to ask for feedback on a crushing lost?