Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone could help me with openings and endgames. In most of the games I start I find myself hoping I won't lose anything from the opening and get to the middle game safely where I play better. I'm generally fine in endgames also but I never really understood what the opposition is and what exactly is means. I'm online a lot so time isn't an issue. Specifics: Alright, I mainly use e4 as white but I wanna develope a stong d4/queens gambit game aswell so I can through it in now and then. For black I usually just go with the flow and defend the best I can and I know this won't probably work against anyone 1700+. Sicilian and fianchettoed(not sure what to call them exactly) defenses would be nice to learn. Anything endgame I'm interested in. Thanks much. Josh
Originally posted by GalaxyShieldIn the thread "King v. King Pawn" I have a post which explains what the opposition is and gives the general rules for when a King + Pawn win against a King and when they should only draw. Essentially, having the opposition means that your opponent's King must give ground if forced to move because the Kings always have to maintain a one space difference.
Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone could help me with openings and endgames. In most of the games I start I find myself hoping I won't lose anything from the opening and get to the middle game safely where I play better. I'm generally fine in endgames also but I never really understood what the opposition is and what exactly is means. I'm online a ...[text shortened]... fenses would be nice to learn. Anything endgame I'm interested in. Thanks much. Josh