Originally posted by kukipeiYour site claims, "Our database is filled only with games played by masters of chess on most prestigious tournaments around the world. With officially biggest online chess database (now 21961 games - 1000 new every month)."
Hi to all!
I'm building some web site with online chess database.
For now I have only about 20000 games in database.
some links doesn't work.
I just want to know what you think about my site so far.
link: www.gensunasumus.com
Any comments are welcome.
But NIC Online offers, "Enter our free online database with 1,000,000 high-quality games (no garbage!). Superfast and everything the tournament player needs .." http://www.newinchess.com/
Yours is not free, and your name is not well known in the chess world. The folks at NIC are GMs.
I'd say that you still have a long way to go.