I have recently started working on a chess website that I think will be a big success. It includes several tools such as an Opening Explorer, Endgame Practice tool, and more. It also will include chess articles and blogs written by strong chess players.
So as I was thinking of all the people I should contact, I thought: "why not ask the good people at RedHotPawn if any of them want to do it?".
So, here I am.
If anyone wants to write an Article or Blog for a soon-to-be great chess website, please PM me or e-mail me at moteutsch@gmail.com. Anyone who has anything to contribute is welcome to apply.
- Moshe Teutsch
P.S. Before some mod comes along to remove this, I'd like to mention that I got premission from Russ to post this. 🙂
Originally posted by saffa73We don't have a working site yet, but we are working on it, and it should be launched soon!
Do you have anything up and running yet? What's the website address?
We do have a layout though: http://www.kingdavidwebdesign.com/layout.html
This won't necessarily be the layout we use, though.
Originally posted by sh76Yeah, I found your videos while watching some Jrobie videos the other day. Really enjoyed them, good information and good analysis.
If you'd like to post or link to my youtube game analyses, you're certainly welcome to do so.
FYI, for anyone who might be interested, I posted a new one a few days ago
Part 1:
Part 2: