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New Feel

New Feel

Only Chess

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Hey guys, I started playing again but this time the games feel different as I play. I've won some games but the feeling now goes like this:

I start with my opening. I feel like I'm losing the game and my opponent is in control. I take a chance doing something that I wouldn't normally do then I end up winning when I feel like I'm behind.

This is a recent blitz game 5 min with 3 sec

In other words, I feel like my games goes like this:

Try to play well

Get behind and feel bad about my position

Trade material to improve my immediate position and start to attack hoping for the best.

Looks like some of my comments are a space behind

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Are there stages in play? I feel like I have gone through several stages since starting to learn to play 8 or so years ago with my breaks away from the game over that time.

After each break the game seems a bit different.

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This was the game that inspired the thread: I had to wait for it to end

Once again, I start out bad, my opponent screws up and lets me back in and I get the win. I think my opening helps people to think I'm worse than I actually am. That helps 😀

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Originally posted by Eladar
Are there stages in play? I feel like I have gone through several stages since starting to learn to play 8 or so years ago with my breaks away from the game over that time.

After each break the game seems a bit different.
I get that feeling. This game seems so different from the game that I saw when I first started playing. My chess battles seems to be held on a completely different battlefield than in those days.

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Yes, of course that is true, but are there differences on how the game feels between when you were a 1500 or 1700? What as the difference?

When I first started playing, I just wanted to know what I could do after the opening. What is a good square? What should I do after I develop and castle? I've gotten past that stage. I've achieved my goal of having an idea what to do after the opening and why. I think the why's are what need to be changed. I need better why's.

Where is the battle now? For me it seems the battle is to checkmate shortly after the opening. Rarely do my games result in promoting a pawn, usually it is like both of the games I posted, 30ish moves or so.

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Of course I can't know for sure whether chess started feeling differently because of time or because of increased strength. Probably mostly the latter.

There are several possible strategies to win:
* Play safe and slowly improve position and punish your opponents blunders.
* Play aggressively and go for faster but risky attacks.
* Just wait and crunch them in the endgame
* Play traps and hope they catch

Every game is also a bit different. I mostly don't go for aggressive attacks (anymore), but will try to get favorable exchanges or misplace opponents pieces or attack weak pawns, until there is a clear target I can go after.

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Increased strength simply means having a better understanding of positions does it now?

As your understanding increases, so how you decide what is a good move and what is a bad move changes. As the logic behind your moves change, so does the feel of the game.

I started playing chess late in life. My rating changes are much more recent. After each break, it seems that how I play changes as well, at least from my limited point of view. It is like going back to a book and reading it again after a year or so and picking out things you totally missed the first time around.

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