Originally posted by tmstwrt88I think this is a good opening - for black.
because years of studying by grandmasters is not enough for me.
[pgn]1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxe5 Nxe5 4. Qf3 Nxf3 5. Kd1[/pgn]
you see, you give up your queen and a knight and your kings chance to castle all in just 5 moves.
anyone think I've found something that all the greatest players in the world for the past couple of hundred years haven't found?
Has it a name?
if you play losing chess, you are a genius, but if you are not then I say nothing.
How to not play chess, Why you don't fianchetto your knights ? You can alos bring the king in the game, it is a good piece and hiding it in the corner is playing whitout a piece.
Don't fear, start, e4, Ke2 Kd3 and Kc4, then maybe Kd5
Originally posted by SophyGood advice. The king is a strong piece and many beginners fear bringing him out too early. The truth is, it is never too early to develop him.
How to not play chess, Why you don't fianchetto your knights ? You can alos bring the king in the game, it is a good piece and hiding it in the corner is playing whitout a piece.
Take this game for example Game 5958199
Also note that I was so confident in my ideas that I used it in a league game 🙂
The Rook on g2 protects f2, you will never fall for scholars mate again.
The Rook on b2 holds c2 so no more nasty Knight forks picking
up the a1 Rook.
The drawback is the loss of castling rights but you can invoke
rule 17 paragraph 3.
If White declares before the game he will not castle then
Black is not allowed to castle.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Pffft thats a terrible plan you would have to move both knights twice to get that position. Only a complete novice would move a knight not once, but twice...twice.
Terrible - Only a complete novice playing Black would move
a Knight not once, not twice, but three times in the opening.
Here is a new opening plan. Fianchetto your Rooks!
[fen]8/8/8/8/8/1P4P1/PRPPPPRP/1NBQKBN1 w - -[/fen]
Originally posted by greenpawn34In bobby fischers 61st memorable game he refutes this opening. That is why Nimzovitch never published My system II. He was so embarrased about supporting a refuted opening that he scrapped the whole book and threw it in a dustbin.
The Knights end up on b1 & g1 covering a3,c3,f3 and h3.
Nimzovitch advocates this opening in My System Part II which
was never published but I found the manuscript in a dustbin
outside his house.
Bobby fischer never published the 61st game because, he heard that Nimzovitch liked the opening and so he did not want to reveal the refutation, so he could use it against Nimzovitch in the WC match.
Seriously learn your chess history.
I've just noticed.
There is something written in pencil at the back of the manuscript.
Fischer has found refutation - opening is no good.
Which begs the question, how did Nimzovitch know what Fischer
was analysing.... A spy?
in between writing this nonsense I'm playing bliz on Uchess.
Just had this 6 mover - I'm Black. Look out for my obvious threat.