This one felt good, cannot say for sure how much of it was planned
but the combination may well have began around move 12
If i'm being honest, I didn't sense any real winning opportunity until around move 20
Was anything missed by either player?
p.s. I had done some annotations for this game, which i had published, but could not find where the pgn was, so just copied this one
I bet 15.Kxg2 was your quickest move.
You can surely play 15.bxc6
He cannot allow 16. cxb7+ Kb8 17.Qxa6 and taking on b7 with the King
allows the Rook check which is murder.
Black has no time ito play Bxf1 or Qxf3 B-h1 and Qg2 mate.
White can mate Black or pick up a bucket load of materail then take back on g2
Thnx GP!
Yeah I guess I was just going with what I thought was most comfy at the time
e.g. losing that rook was bad for me, as i needed both the b and c file under strict control
But what you shown is just as good if not better... I guess everyone has their own style, mine showed true in this game, but perhaps it will improve over time