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Nice endgame puzzle

Nice endgame puzzle

Only Chess

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For the strong players it won't be hard, but I think that is very nice anyway.

EDIT: as you can see, something went horribly wrong here. I will try to fix my FEN.

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There. White to move.

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The answer is


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Originally posted by ivan2908
[fen]3k1r2/R4P2/8/8/5p1p/6p1/6K1/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]

There. White to move.
I think this is the idea: 1.Rb7 Kc8 (may not be the best move, but to illustrate the theme) 2.Re7 (threatening Re8+) Kd8 3.Ra7 (the original position with black to move) and black will have to give up his pawns one by one because of zugzwang.

this turns out to be troublesome for deep fritz 11! you have to feed it the solution to make it finally understand white is winning, otherwise it thinks the position is equal. Rybka and even the King has no problem with it.

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PP has the solution - Nice wording Ivan "White to play." instead of
"White to play and win."

I'm sure a few have given it up as a draw Rb7-Ra7-Rb7-Ra7.

Let us not waste the original diagram.
Change a few things - make it legal.

Black to move and help White to mate him in two moves.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
PP has the solution - Nice wording Ivan "White to play." instead of
"White to play and win."

I'm sure a few have given it up as a draw Rb7-Ra7-Rb7-Ra7.

Let us not waste the original diagram.
Change a few things - make it legal.

to move and help White to mate him in two moves.

[fen]knNK4/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - -[/fen][/b]
1... Nc6+ 2. Kc7 Na7 3. Nb6#

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Originally posted by philidor position
...text shortened...
this turns out to be troublesome for deep fritz 11! you have to feed it the solu ning, otherwise it thinks the position is equal. Rybka and even the King has no problem with it.
Fed the position to Spike 1.2
Doesn't see the solution at 15 ply, but does see it at 16 ply.

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hi, I never had spike, but back in its day it was one of the most serious candidates for getting close to rybka in a future version. glad to see someone using it.

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The Turbo Tactical Terror
A chess program I wrote advises that this is the best chance for White.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
[b]The Turbo Tactical Terror
A chess program I wrote advises that this is the best chance for White.

[Event "TTTT Anaylsis"]
[Site "Turbo Tacticla Terror"]
[Date "2009.08.27"]
[Round "-"]
[White "TTTTT"]
[Black "Who Knows"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[FEN "3k1r2/R4P2/8/8/5p1p/6p1/6K1/8 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
1. Kh3 f3 2. Ra4 Rxf7 3. Rf4 Rxf4[/pgn][/b]
2. ... f2 -+

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Originally posted by heinzkat
2. ... f2 -+
Correct but TTTT thinks it's losing so sets a stalemate trap.

You can download a copy of TTTT for free:


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Originally posted by greenpawn34
[b]The Turbo Tactical Terror
A chess program I wrote advises that this is the best chance for White.

[Event "TTTT Anaylsis"]
[Site "Turbo Tacticla Terror"]
[Date "2009.08.27"]
[Round "-"]
[White "TTTTT"]
[Black "Who Knows"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[FEN "3k1r2/R4P2/8/8/5p1p/6p1/6K1/8 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
1. Kh3 f3 2. Ra4 Rxf7 3. Rf4 Rxf4[/pgn][/b]
your engine looks buggy.

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I just downloaded it from Greenpawn's link though, and boy it can play CHESS.

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More of this kind of topics please, messing around with the pieces 🙂

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