Here's a nice trap I set in a 3 minute game:
White played to win the a pawn with 1.Bxc6
Rather than play the natural (and better?) recapture, 1. ...Qxc6, I chose 1. ... bxc6 with a nice trap in mind.
The idea was 2.Rxa7 c5!?
Here white must try 3.Rd5 or 3.Ba5, leaving his pieces a bit tangled.
Instead, my opponent played 3.Ba3, falling right in.
Black To Move
3. ... Qb6!
4.Ra4 (4.Bxc5 was better, lessening the damages.)
4. ... Qb3! (making use of the awkard rook on d1)
Black wins a rook!
Here is the complete game:
3 0 Game
Black is an IM.
Black played 1. ... Rxe4+
2.fxe4 Bxe4
To quote greenpawn, here I had to save my "bum from the fire".
Luckily, there is a lifesaver in the position. I found it, but I hadn't prepared it previously, to be totally honest.
3. ... Kb8
On 3. ... Kd8 I planned 4.Bg5+ Ke8 5.Nf6+ Kd8 6.Nxe4+(6.Rc8+ is actually better).
And here comes the killer ...
4.Bf4!! and wins !!!
(h2 is attacked, and Rh7+ is also menaced.)
Here is the complete game:
Extreme Time Scramble At The End
After move 22, the times were white 58/black 56 seconds.
After move 25, white 45/black 49.
After 26, white 19/black 41.
Move 27 took black 21 seconds and made it white 18/black 20.
After move 32, white 7/black 8.
This is just so you get the idea of the quality of the final moves. 🙂
Also, I didn't have autoqueen on, so there wasn't time to get a second one. hehe