28 Apr 12
Position After White's 13th Move
Black To Play (See Game)
The game starts with black (me) trying to offer a gambit and make it tactical. It then shifts to a postional game with an attempted positional bind on d3.
However, after white's 13th move, the fuse is lit and a nice firework display begins.
For some reason, I am having a devil of a time posting the annotations. The one line that is important is 14.gxf3 gets white mated by 14. ...Qg5+ 15.Kh1 Qf4, with mate on h2. Also if 17.h4 Qg4 leads to a similar finish to the game.
The thing I like about this game is how the queen persistently threatens to mate the white king, one move after another. It's not a great game, but it was an enjoyable one for me.
Strictly for entertainment, here is yesterday's Oops Game Of The Day.
Truthfully, I think black was just caught off guard by my gambit. Sometimes it hard to adjust mentally from a planned closed/positional French to the wide open chaotic position that ocurred. Black's 8th move just seemed like too much. My idea after that was just to get a check in on h5 as soon as possible. If the king moves to the f file on move 10, he must be on the lookout for Rxf5+ tricks. Again, I just think black was surprised in the opening and failed to adjust. This is always a possibility with sharp tactical openings or gambits.