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Nimzo-Indian with 5.c5!?

Nimzo-Indian with 5.c5!?

Only Chess

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I've started playing the Nimzo-Indian as black more often these days and after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 I usually get 4.Qc2 or 4.Nf3. Now, after 4.Nf3 d5, the usual response is exchange of pawns (cxd5 exd5), but one opponent answered with 5.c5!?

This seems like a pretty solid move, but I couldn't find any references to it in the theory or find any master level games in which this was played, so I'm guessing there is something wrong with it after all. Any ideas?

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I think 5.c5 isn`t a solid move since it does 2 things wrong.

It decentralizes and it also neglects development.

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Doesn't look so terrible to me.I mean,white has better but it doen't look the kind of 'mistake' you can punish right away.
Just don't see a point to it.I guess the idea is to try force black to trade his bishop.In other words,force black to do what he intends to do anyway.

Basically you're in uncharted territory with an equal game.Tread carefully,your opponent probably drew a little private map of the territory already 😉


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White usually replies d5 wich gives black a somewhat cramped position. But what do i really know.

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Ok. sorry, white to play c5 not black. My appologies.

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Originally posted by Xenofixus
I've started playing the Nimzo-Indian as black more often these days and after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 I usually get 4.Qc2 or 4.Nf3. Now, after 4.Nf3 d5, the usual response is exchange of pawns (cxd5 exd5), but one opponent answered with 5.c5!?

This seems like a pretty solid move, but I couldn't find any references to it in the theory or find any ma ...[text shortened]... which this was played, so I'm guessing there is something wrong with it after all. Any ideas?
...5.c5 isnt as bad as it first seems...i play the Nimzo on and off I dont really like 4...d5 i much prefer 4...b6 but thats a matter of taste....anyway....if i was to meet 5.c5!? i would prob go for 5...Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 b6 7.cx ax 8.e3 Ne4....with a good game for black...hope thats been of some help.

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Originally posted by PAWN RIOT
...5.c5 isnt as bad as it first seems...i play the Nimzo on and off I dont really like 4...d5 i much prefer 4...b6 but thats a matter of taste....anyway....if i was to meet 5.c5!? i would prob go for 5...Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 b6 7.cx ax 8.e3 Ne4....with a good game for black...hope thats been of some help.
5. c5? Ne4

I played the Ne5 move a game with the Birds opening leading to a Nimzo-Indian type position with reverse colours and f4.

Gives you the option of keeping your bishop pair, opening the f-file for a king side pawn storm and mess up whites queen side pawn structure.

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Originally posted by squirrel0like0nuts
Ok. sorry, white to play c5 not black. My appologies.
If you guys would use diagrams then these misunderstandings would not occur.

First instinct is 0-0 and b6, rip open the centre and catch the King with
his pants down before he can castle.

Cannot believe such a poor time wasting, development neglecting move
has not been played before by one of the lads on here.

I was right.


Produces a lovely game. Watch out for Black's 9th move.
That is how to put the squeeze on a pinned piece.

White gets castled, 3 moves later it's back on e1.
Black nicks a piece and gives it back to mate White.
Nice game.

farshad63 - zoltav RHP 2004

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
If you guys would use diagrams then these misunderstandings would not occur.

[fen]rnbqk2r/ppp2ppp/4pn2/2Pp4/1b1P4/2N2N2/PP2PPPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 0 5[/fen]
First instinct is 0-0 and b6, rip open the centre and catch the King with
his pants down before he can castle.

Cannot believe such a poor time wasting, development neglecting move
has not be ...[text shortened]... b8a6 19. Ke1e2 Bb4xd2 20. Ke2xd2 Qc8xc7 21. Qc2a4 Rf8c8 22. Qa4xa6 Qc7c3 23. Kd2e2 Qc3b2[/pgn]
Quality stuff there!

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
If you guys would use diagrams then these misunderstandings would not occur.

[fen]rnbqk2r/ppp2ppp/4pn2/2Pp4/1b1P4/2N2N2/PP2PPPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 0 5[/fen]
First instinct is 0-0 and b6, rip open the centre and catch the King with
his pants down before he can castle.
Thank you greenpawn! This analysis and game are a perfect aid to my refining of the Birds Opening 😀

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Originally posted by Tiwaking
5. c5? Ne4

I played the Ne5 move a game with the Birds opening leading to a Nimzo-Indian type position with reverse colours and f4.

Gives you the option of keeping your bishop pair, opening the f-file for a king side pawn storm and mess up whites queen side pawn structure.
...You cant give 5.c5 as'?'-bad, as its not really as bad as (i must admit) it looks...you maybe right in that black can hold on to his bishop if he so wishes after 5...Ne4...6.Bd2 now if 6...N/Bxc3 7.Bxc3 is ok for white...you can always try 6...Nxd2 7.Qxd2 c6 is one way of keeping your bishop 8.a3 Ba5 9.b4 Bc7 10.g3 is fine for both players.

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